pleasepleaseplease let them all get unique camo patterns again i know 50 shades of multicam is effective and cheap but holy shit guys would someone think of the drip?!??
pleasepleaseplease let them all get unique camo patterns again i know 50 shades of multicam is effective and cheap but holy shit guys would someone think of the drip?!??
Fucking facts
If you haven’t read “Nuclear War: A Scenario” or listened to the Hardcore History Addendum episode interviewing the author, you should.
I was just talking to a friend about this. How the most unbelievable part of Endwar is almost a thing at this point
There was a book I found called Test Pilot. It’s a bunch of stories written by (you guessed it!) a test pilot in the 20s-30s who had a side job writing his tales for a newspaper between jobs. Great read!
One time he was hired on by the Navy to do dive testing, which laid the groundwork for dive bombers and divebombing techniques. g suits weren’t a thing so his vision constantly blacked out each time, and sometimes he had to reach 9g on the pullouts! He wrote that the changes in air pressure and gs were great for hang overs.
Today’s pilots are cool but these guys were a different breed
(looked it up again on project gutenberg, edited the comment to match the real stories)
looks like it. It’s massive and free if you ever pass through
Nah you’ll get dudes with just enough confidence to be a tour guide and just enough autism for accurate info
b b but it can turn into a semi-permanant fixed emplacement?
The reason why police have a ton of “militarized” equipment us because the military puts a lot of gear up for sale as surplus. Our county sheriffs picked up an old hummvee and MRAP for practically nothing.
Cybertrucks aren’t mil surp. Maybe years from now but not anytime soon
We need to bring command and conquer back for this
Two very similar electronic warfare planes on opposing sides see each other. Instead of “just smile and wave boys” they instead begin blasting each other with more and more jamming.
Now everyone in the tri continent area is flooded with high power radio interference. Everyone with a radio is deaf from the static. People are made sterile. The crews have cancers formed then killed then formed again.
You know, a little trolling (the middle stuff didn’t really happen …unless)
They already do and I would kill for Europe grade croissants in the US
Um…I mean…aggressively negotiate for them
Slight reflection off of the rim of the front facing holes on the helmets…I think
US Russian crossover episode to tag team China
Heey santa sorry about shooting you dow…oh no…
More like two way skeet shooting
In Arma 3 they have the A-164 Wipeout which is either the coolest thing ever or a cursed monstrosity depending on who you ask
Yeah I know the current admin is being total tools but I’m glad the EU and AU are finally thinking of defense without guarantees of US help.
Many US mil leaders have said that they want their allies to be ready to handle themselves because the US could find itself focusing on a different area of the globe