Can you not export to excel? Tbh Im new to it and it is so all encompassing I am basically lurking around outside
Can you not export to excel? Tbh Im new to it and it is so all encompassing I am basically lurking around outside
SAP is super strict at least, it will just ignore you. Excel will let you fuck everything or help you in doing so.
Let me use my signature across devices.
If I mark my calendar as out of office, send my out of office autoreply from that date until the end date.
How are these not the functions they are adding.
I wouldnt consider them all social media. Discord is ass, its such an odd platform it never eoccured to me that people use it for in real life friends. Youtube is basically low budget netflix for me, no need to socialise on it - probably best to avoid it tbh.
They forced us to change to outlook and then didnt just replace the name, it became a subfolder under outlook. Microsoft sucks
Its a convenience thing, I have one in my office. Some months I do 500-2000…in fact that was one month and why I bought it but after that it has been nothing
HMD are the the spun off Nokia mobile division. They just released a pretty fresh new android flagship.
We saw it with reddit and that place is fucked now. Seems no one can be content with their status, they all need more.
Emulation is the way 😎
Youtube has changed, its serialised direct tv now. You cannot easily find short videos, or old creators. Even if you do search ater like five videos they will return you to algorithmic results unrelated to search criteria.
Its an entry iphone, I wouldnt say 16 given it shares very little with it.
WB have made MK boring
How does that stack up, lower the value to sell? Shareholders approve his bonus, why would they want to lower their value.
I had never heard of the 16e and checked their site, it will only allow comparison up to the 11, a phon from 2019. And its expensive.
Their desktop apps suck though. Opening two ecels requires a fucking IT qualification. As in IT had to change admin settings to allow it to happen in our company.
Yeah but it needs to be user friendly in order get adoption and support. How many tech pieces are lost because they cant find a market.
Im in agreeemnt that I just need a camera, phone text and browser mainly.
Meh Sony fumbled the bag this gen, Im not looking to further lock myself in.
I am on the hunt for new service, proton is out for me. No trust is them nazi supporters.
Thry also had poor video generatiin
Oh god, my training has been trial and error