Ahh yes I was surprised that they have the European (or just international idk) one
Ahh yes I was surprised that they have the European (or just international idk) one
I’m sure it’ll be super useful in a fire :)
It seems many states actually allow both
You’ll have to ask OSHA
You’d think this would solve the incel problem
Same thing with road driving side iirc
Does there come a point by which the Danube is practically an open sewer, or are thode days now behind us?
Even if you just drew it GDP-wise it wouod be interesting.
Could you draw more such circles?
They shoukd turn it 90⁰. Then Sillicon Fen is libright, Bristol is libleft, Liverpool is authleft, and Grimsby is authright
Poor thing. It set off and realized it was lost.
Gives a whole new meaning to Volkswagen
In my slavic language we have Pepek
*Rheinmetall noises*
They’re probably busy spending it on surströmming
Picking a server is weird and scary.
As a scientist, I would be cautious of inferring the reason and beating ourselves up for it until we have crystal clear proof that that is the specific thing that’s turning people away.
I guess you want a projection that distorts your oceans whilst keeping your land masses as proportional as possible, right?
Ah that makes a lot of sense