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Joined 9 个月前
Cake day: 2024年6月22日


  • I assume part of the confusuion is that the earth is not flat. If one would create a Voronoi diagram on the surface of a globe, the resulting borders would still be straight lines, but, when projected, it depends on the projection, whether they remain straight.

    The creator probably started with a Mercator projected map of Europe and then calculated the distance between any point on the map and all capitals. The distance on two points on the spere, however, cannot be obtained by counting the distance in h/v pixels on the map and applying Pythagoras, as Mercator projection exaggerates horizontal, east-west, distances. So one needs to map the pixel coordinates back onto the sphere and calculate the distances there.

    It’s definitely a nice map though.

  • The process of actually projecting the contours on the globe onto a flat (cylindrical) map is by either putting a strong light source inside the globe and place the paper cylinder around it. This projects the contours onto the cylinder. The contours then need to be traced onto the cylinder using a pen. The other option, e.g. if the globe isn’t translucent, is to paint a longitude/latitude grid onto it and start with an empty rectangular map with the same grid structure. Then, for every trapezoid on the globe, its content needs to be transferred to a the coresponding rectangle on the map.

  • The first panel shows US made weapons such as the M1 Abrams tank, the Patriot surface-to-air missile system (here mounted onto a German made MAN gl truck), M142 HIMARS system (mounted onto a US made M1140 truck), the F-16, the F-35 F-15 or a Virginia class submarine, systems that “the US” thinks the European nations will buy when they invest into their military.

    The second panel shows European made weapon systems, such as the Leopard 2 tank, the IRIS-T SLM system (again on MAN), the SAMP/T Aster system (mounted onto a Renault 8×4 truck), Saab Jas 39 Gripen Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon or the future French SNLE 3G submarine, systems, that the Europeans probably will buy instead.