Good to see we’re finally fighting back against Fandom
Well it’s not titan-level but the ogryn towers over all the other characters (with a much higher camera when you’re playing) and while the hit reactions on alive enemies are not huge (though he can usually stop most of them dead in their tracks with a single hit when he’s not one shotting them), all of his melee weapons send ragdolls flying in the direction of the strike and his guns usually turns enemies to paste or at least dismember on death. Also when you need to carry a power cell or whatever, all the other characters can only walk but the ogryn can run at full speed.
IIRC even when not geared and not leveled he just plows through the hordes (he has a lot more health and toughness than other characters too which makes him the king of crowd control) ultimately though, the toughness mechanics force you to have at least one squad member close by during fights or you’ll end up dying by a thousand cuts
Edit : I think the main issue with the power fantasy in Darktide is that the game is 100% skill based. With enough game knowledge and decent mechanical skills you can avoid pretty much every damages or special enemies’ attacks. But that does mean that when you don’t have that knowledge you’ll get your ass handed to you even by a small horde of poxwalkers, regardless of the character (though the ogryn will die slower because of his bigger health pool and better toughness regeneration mechanics against hordes of chaff)
Yeah you either play for hundreds of hours or you don’t. Shallow, though ? It’s got tons of great mechanics that make the moment-to-moment gameplay enjoying
I respect the hustle, but as a professional gameplay programmer : the fuck did you expect ? Piling systems upon systems does indeed increase the game logic’s complexity exponentially. Probably a big reason why there are so few (good) immersive sims even though it’s quite the popular genre.
Sync for Lemmy allows you to save several accounts and easily switch
That wood furnishing was just too sexy for the military
People are saying manifest v2 (the old API that ublock uses) will be gone soon, which I think should effectively make ublock unusable whatever you do unless you stop updating chrome maybe (which could open you up to a ton of security issues) ? Not sure, don’t care since I’ve ditched chrome long ago
Another good “trick” is waiting two weeks once you find the thing you “need” before actually buying it. If you forget or change your mind in these two weeks, you didn’t need it that much. Plus it gives more time to think and potentially find a better product
Because there are way more in the northern hemisphere I assume ? Probably due to greater differential between water and air temp in general in the northern hemisphere due to currents and shit
Ya know, if a 5.56 bullet is an air superiority fighter, so is a rock flung by a trebuchet. I don’t make the rules, that Newton guy did.
I would love to see their take on some low fantasy setting
Oh shit you’re right, that is great news !
Didn’t Australia stiff themselves by trusting trump and cancelling french submarines ? Or are you referring to something else ?
What is it ?
Of course they didn’t leave any documentation because management said that writing it was a waste of time
Because their owners are becoming the new and improved oil barons and want to be included in their cool boys club ?
Cheating to qualify makes his participation invalid imo. Someone else could have taken his place and changed the entire thing
Western Digital used to be great. Don’t know if they still are. I never had an issue with any of my HDDs from them (I only ever bought the high end stuff though)
Well I’m one of the people who put hundreds of hours in the game and will probably keep playing it on and off for a long time. One of my friends is an absolute L4D2 junkie and he loves it too (even more than me actually) but it doesn’t work on everyone. Personally I really like how when everyone knows what they’re doing it really feels like you’re a real team even though you might have never met any of the other players before. A good chunk of the levels are quite corrydor-ey but the environments are very detailed and truly feel massive at times when you look up and see these sprawling messes of pipes, cables etc (and I think the fact that the layouts you navigate aren’t as complex as in L4D2 doesn’t hurt the game that much since it is a lot more combat-focused). Plus the Jesper Kyd soundtrack slaps.