TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • You SERIOUSLY don’t hear other people, do you? You don’t see what’s said to you, what’s right in front of you? All you think about is what you want and how you can change what they say to meet it.

    The mens lib movement, and the ridiculous attacks on women you voice don’t help people like me, who were attacked, because you change the focus, from help for everyone, to pitting men against women. No woman’s group ever blocked me access to care. Women don’t vote conservative at the rate men do, and conservative’s stop these groups from being made. The help I got was entirely from women volunteering their time and help. The people who tried to limit it, or change access, were men. The Conservative governments that remove funding for these programs are run by men, and voted for by men, and protected by men. The CEO’s who sabotage funding for public resources so they can get more tax breaks are patriarchal. Are women there? Sure. Is it run by them? No.

    Our entire political, economic, and social system set up to benefit ‘masculine’ efforts. Being raped by a woman is seen by this system as ‘effeminate.’

    The men who did eventually help me are hardcore left-wing socialists who understood, and spoke with me about how harmful the patriarchal system we all live under was to me, and others like me. We also spoke about the sheer damage the garbage people like you and your ‘mens lib’ movement has hurt us. Women didn’t even have the right as human beings until recently. In our own societies we deny them bodily autonomy and the right to vote and the right to be people under the law. And then people like you come out and say it’s all womens fault, and every time a woman speaks out about institutionally allowed sexual assault you scream from the rafters that men are hurt to, but NEVER when I asked for fucking help! NEVER when I was suffering! Only when women speak out, or someone talks about the FACT women are more likely to be assaulted, are assaulted more often, and the systems in place that allow it to happen, then you cowards come out and PRETEND TO PROTECT ME?!


    You don’t represent me, and people like you make me ashamed to be a man.

  • I’m a man, and I was assaulted when I was younger, and you are exactly why men don’t come out about it. We look like whiny snivelling little children who try to pretend this is the fault of women while we live in a goddamn patriarchal society and have men at every step preventing the very care we need. A woman ran the support group I went to, a woman ran the shelter I had to stay in, a woman held my hand in the fucking hospital, and at every step men insulted me and laughed at me and asked if I was a fag, because they thought the woman was good looking. This absolute bullshit where you blame women like it’s their fault they’re attacked by men, like it’s their fault for talking about it, the entire ‘mens lib’ movement is garbage and forces those of us who’ve been through assault to be represented by the worst our sex has to offer.

    The best thing you could do to help men like me is to shut your goddamn mouth and at the very least leave us to the care of women, because they actually do seem to give a shit and at no time ever blamed ‘all men’ for what I went through.

    Fuck your reductive bullshit, fuck ever being tricked by the wealthy into attacking women on their behalf, and I still hope you never go through what I did.

  • Users of Lemmy resort to downvoting when they can’t defend their arguments.

    You got absolutely obliterated because you posted two links to ‘articles,’ one of which is just some guys blog, and then refused to defend anything the articles said.

    Also you don’t ‘defend’ a counter argument. You started the argument, offered a blog as ‘proof’ of an issue, when pressed on what the blog said you backed down and refused to defend it, and you just accuse everyone around of you of not having independent thought.

    It is a fact that humans are more eager to show their disapproval than approval for something, like in restaurant reviews, where the only people who bother to leave a review are those with bad experiences.

    YOU LITERALLY DID THIS. A guy said ‘The Godot Engine is getting better every day.’ in a post about Microsoft screwing up an app and you, yes, you started complaining about the team behind the engine! You’re like the living embodiment of irony, hahahahahaha

  • That is until they kicked everyone out for being “nazis”

    Point to a comment where I show support for nazis.

    You are the one who keep bringing up Nazi’s. You can’t bring it up, have people agree it’s good to remove Nazi’s, and then say “whoa I support the people kicked out, I don’t support nazi’s” after you yourself said they were kicked out for being nazis.

    You’re your own unreliable narrator and it is both hilarious and embarrassing.

  • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.world*deleted by creator*
    4 months ago

    Why would anyone listen to game engine devs on political matters?

    (Quick edit because I can’t believe I have to say this: If you think people saying other people are allowed to be gay is ‘political’ you seriously, seriously need to reevaluate your beliefs.)

    I don’t know, why are you whiny babies talking about it? Look at the topic of this fucking post. It’s about a Microsoft app that’s malware.

    Yet… what’s this? The people whining about people being helped brought it up, unwarranted, and inserted into discussion. So my answer is to ask your self.

  • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.world*deleted by creator*
    4 months ago

    instead of pandering

    Seriously do you guys read what you’re writing after you write it? Is there no moment of introspection where you go “Huh, so they’re helping a minority group that is currently being attacked by powerful members of our society… by being inclusive. I wonder if that is a net good, and that helping people under attack is a sign of strength and not ‘pandering’?” or do you skip to “People I don’t like are openly accepted by others, and their acceptance is abhorrent to my backing of their” (checks notes) “video game engine. I must rage at this horrible injustice!”

    The sheer volume of queer people who’ve made the games you play would cause you to froth at the mouth. Those same queer people can’t even be out anymore without being shot at a gay bar by some fanatic, or walk down the street and not get assaulted. The humanitarian actions of a company that accepts donations is not reliant on checking with each backer to ask if they’re okay helping people. Fuck them if they aren’t.

    I think you should take a look in the mirror and think, really think, about if a company helping people is in any way abhorrent to you, and what that says about you. Because I know that you know someone impacted by the opposite of that help, and you know their lives improve every time someone who isn’t queer, or a visible minority, or a woman, steps out and says “No, fuck this, we’re helping these people.”

    You can be that person.