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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023

  • You have… No idea what you’re talking about.

    I don’t like Bethesda games? The amount of time I’ve spent on Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 says otherwise. Hell, I’m right now doing yet another playthrough of Skyrim.

    The best way to understand what’s wrong with the creation engine, and how woefully out-dated it is, is to listen to what modders have to deal with constantly. The creation engine is hardly a serious upgrade of Gamebrio and BGE only puts in the minimal effort into actually updating it.

    At its core, and the major reason why exploration is so stilted in Starfield, is that the creation engine just isn’t capable of solving the floating point problems with seamless worlds, which other engines ARE capable of. Pathfinding generation and animation sorting hasn’t been seriously updated since Oblivion, and the Papyrus script engine still has the same 200 limit it had since Morrowind, a limitation that was there because of hardware of that time, but forcing Papyrus to go over the 200 limit causes Bethesda games to become unstable.

    Yes, it’s BGE and their practices that are the problem, and it’s reflected in how they maintain their engine too.

  • Yes I can. Saudi Arabia is where modern slavery still happens. Women have no rights. The country funds proxy wars in the Middle East. Everyone who’s rich in that country is rich through exploiting oil, religion, terrible work conditions, or some combination of all the above. The only other country that out-does them on this front is The United Arabic Emirates.

    A succesful company in that country would be party to all those things. Giving money to such a company would be giving money in support of all these things, as the money you give them becomes part of their economy. Pokemon GO would only be bought by any company because they see the potential of it becoming a money printing machine.

    Being critical =/= xenophobic.

  • And yet there’s an incredibly high demand for playing old Nintendo games. When Nintendo occasionally sells emulated old games on newer consoles, they tend to sell pretty well. The NES and the SNES mini were much sought after and best-sellers.

    So imagine if Nintendo offers the games in their entire retro library (that they are licensed to offer) with an official emulator for people to buy. That would evaporate the piracy of retro Nintendo games pretty quickly.

    However, Nintendo doesn’t want that. They like completely manufactured, artificial scarcity. And so there’s piracy. A lot of piracy.

  • Yes. I caught on to this waaaaaaaayyyy back when League just starting getting traction, esports weren’t really a thing, and I also played some Yu Gi Oh.

    Both has the same sort of design, as ilæustrated nicely by this meme; the match is nearly always decided early, and for the rest of the game you’re either just styling on the opponents, or you are getting styles on.

    Victories didn’t feel good, losses felt even worse, and I began to understand why people rage and break their keyboard. Games like these fuel such behaviour.