The sick sad history of computer-aided collaboration:
In Memex crowd thinking environment for thoughts unthinkable to separate beings, human-machine general intelligence raises superintelligent offspring to help all life.
The sick sad history of computer-aided collaboration:
Who made this?
Something should be said about fringe servers (I’d never say “instance” except “server = instance”) and defederation both ways being common, so your home server choice matters. The email comparison is broken and should include “in principle” and then continue with “in practice [real situation]”. This is a start:
I like the yellow bubble here, but it’s inaccurate in many ways:
The infograph we’re looking for should also say at least:
wanted another, more liberal form of socialism
How is AfD helping?
Let’s not clone trash. Tinder sucks because it has no matching mechanism to filter out incompatible people. To find one interesting profile on Tinder I have to swipe about 500 profiles. To get more matches, I risk some false positives and like ~2% of profiles. Then I need to filter the matches in person. Very inefficient, a waste of time.
The opposite of that was OkCupid before Match Group destroyed it.
You might prefer confabulation, or bullshitting.
Not all places went eternal September:
Some sites/apps had filters to hide low effort people.
Some had strict rules that were enforced, so even if you were clueless coming in, you would upskill fast while using it.
Some had a good onboarding course making upskilling a breeze.
The blame can be placed accurately: https://www.quora.com/Who-invented-the-modern-computer-look-and-feel/answer/Harri-K-Hiltunen
Some projects can be done as part of university courses cheaply and slowly.
Friendly German flag, better than the real one.
Except https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_activation
Neutron activation is the only common way that a stable material can be induced into becoming intrinsically radioactive.
The question should be “How do countries/EU accept most of their citizens surveilled by a monopolistic company subject to a foreign country’s intelligence agency?”.
I don’t think it’s my personal responsibility to care unless I’m casting a vote. I don’t have enough extra energy to avoid surveillance anyway. Expecting billions of people each to take personal responsibility of finding out how to de-google, de-apple, de-microsoft, de-amazon, de-meta is too much. What percentage of people can install and configure Linux and Graphene OS and move everything from normal social media to Lemmy and Mastodon? We see the answer in current reality.
the good of humanity as a whole
My headcanon is that the Borg in Star Trek began with an AGI with that exact main goal.
Greedy rich distracting us with culture war to avoid a class war. Russia, China, North Korea trying to sow discord. Conclusion: Make lying illegal. Tax billionaires to extinction to avoid societal collapse.
If they’re doing mock fuck around, they should also do mock find out, otherwise the kids won’t learn what voting does.
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