Battle bots 2034
Battle bots 2034
Well I will say, their brand is definitely working class disillusionment, mixed with humor and some anger
It’s a big ass drone with a car shape 3D printed over top of it
Nah that’s amazing. But yes, definitely check out more of their stuff if you like jobseeker. Another in a similar vein is Till Dipper. Not just because of the similar sounding names. But you really can’t go wrong. Their newer album is a little more accessible I think. UK Grim the song gets stuck in my head constantly.
Sickusername btw. Ever seen them live? One of the best shows I saw in the few surrounding years (of the year I saw them)
Ooh yeah let’s hope that’s the case.
Every day, we stray further from Jod
And American cops are all too happy to take one less murder case if there’s any room to say it was a suicide. They’re not looking to add unsolved murders, especially ones that implicate he most powerful companies and men in the world.
I mean, haven’t they had a really decent actual news outlet for a while though? I remember buzz feed breaking some pretty big stories and had really great investigative pieces done some years back
This is just attention grabbing language for something that really isn’t even a problem for Reddit. The longer recent trend of stunted growth could be cause for concern, but the actual numbers are something like they got 101.6 million unique visitors instead of their projected 103.4. That’s nothing. They’re talking like they’re in free fall. It could be the start of a trend that could be bad for a public company, but realistically, what we’re all hoping to see isnt what this article is actually telling us. Unfortunately.
A truly depressing response to the article bringing up how yet again whistleblowers against major corporations are being killed mysteriously.
they would have you watch ads without seatbelts and without air bags.
No, they would require you purchase these because their business can’t sell their products without them, but they’d make you pay a subscription for them to keep working, and when you stop paying the subscription, the car stops turning on until you pay your monthly airbag and seatbelt fee.
We’ve known since the beginning their products are made off the suffering of slave labor. Them being evil isn’t new whatsoever.
But the presidents of the United States of America cover.
Jesus, who’s are people possibly taking this to mean “do nothing or else!”
Don’t let the concept of productivity ruin your desire to relax. I’m pretty sure I said your time is yours, don’t let anyone tell you how to not spend it, especially this amorphous concept of “productivity.”
There’s a pandemic of “productivity” and hustle culture, people are turning their entire lives into ways to make more money. That’s way more sad than doing nothing.
Spending your time “productively” is a capitalist brainwashing tool. They already exploit you in your working hours, five days a week, all day. They came for our off hours with the advent of newer technologies. They came for our third spaces because they implied you were allowed to live your life outside of spending or producing capital. And they’re here, already vying for your small sliver “you” time because that doesn’t churn the gears of this life sucking system.
Fight the fucking system. Do goddamn nothing and enjoy it. Don’t let them guilt you into thinking your life is wasted if you’re not “producing.” Fuck them.
You overestimate the strength of the cognitive dissonance. These people have somehow found a way to overcome the concept of hypocrisy and the consequences for it. They’re impervious to shame and repercussions.
This is them gathering their strength. The more we care about facts and honesty, the more they win. This is kind of the endgame
Two inches from the best timeline. We got fucked.
What two inches? What was the best timeline that we missed out on so narrowly? 2000? Because Reagan won by a lot, if I’m remembering correctly.
Hey! Dropping you a line in this AW2 thread too! lol
I love AW2. I think it might’ve been your post that made me pick up Control, actually. LOVED that! And the DLC is massive and so much fun. I loved the AW tie-ins.
We seem to have a pretty similar taste in games, so I’m glad to hear you loved and wanted to replay Silent Hill 2 right after playing it. That’s my next purchase, for sure. Although, where we differ is that I LOVE replaying games. Especially games like Cyberpunk, where the openness and discovery of the thing leaves a lot to keep finding. I mean, shit, I’m on an embarrassing number of playthroughs and im still finding new locations, new ways to interact or new pieces of each gig story to see. Love it.
My all-time games (I’m a very new gamer) are Cyberpunk, RDR2, AW2, and Control. I want to find more that strike me in the way these have.
Right? One week of not buying things from Amazon is fucking nothing. They’ve proven over and over that they’re evil and should be boycotted. Do people seriously buy something every week from Amazon? That’s like addiction shit.
Just stop buying from Amazon. I reached that tipping point like twelve horrific things ago. If you’re still using it, you’re just kind of a bad person with zero self control.