3d tvs is my favorite analogy. Easiest way to illustrate the bubble of hype.
3d tvs is my favorite analogy. Easiest way to illustrate the bubble of hype.
“Get skrekked Green fag” - 🥦 battalion
What if you do more with less?
Mercenaries GOAT
love seeing it mentioned
Unfortunate. Love obsidian but their first person games have been a bit meh
The hobbit method
Connect is the most like the reddit is fun client. How i like to shitpost and see content
I fell off 1. Is 2 an improvement to the charming eurojank?
That was such a fun game. Little asexual me didn’t care about the nudity, but the black and white aspect before liberating an area into color was such a cool Gimmick.
“It’s a piece of piss”
Sometimes, it’s preferable to shoot someone than be on the line.
Best advice. Get strung along for a few years until they make it whole.
RIP sultry voiced king
My grandfather becomes irate at the mention of him.
Hard to like anyone with his own pr team. Or with such an overbearing mother. Or you know those other things…
Didn’t patton want to send tanks to Moscow post ww2?
I like “connect” on android for lemmy.
A lot like reddit is fun of old. When RiF and the other independent clients got shut down is when I switched over.
Where it go.
E bike brigade for stealthy attacks
This gives me that gut uneasy feeling. Those grabs are hyper specific examples.
Great story.
Even if anecdotal fuck all of that better safe than sorry.
My dad use to say that Facebook listened to him back in the 2010s. We blew him off as conspiracy nut.
He would say diamond ring diamond ring diamond ring and then all his ads would change next day. We blew him off as conspriatorial and now the algorithm is common knowledge.
Who knows. Scary.
Yakuza games a completionists dream/nightmare
I had some nyquil LOOK OUT