Yeah, it seems the sensor costs as much as a decent used camera.
Yeah, it seems the sensor costs as much as a decent used camera.
I remember people being upset by the ribbon back when office 2007 was released. Their complaints made sense until I sat down and used it. Found it to be a great improvement. I switched my libre office to the ribbon layout as soon as they added it. Because I don’t use it often, it’s great for finding stuff compared to looking through the menus.
The nice thing about the LO implementation is also that they added a couple of varieties of the design, like the compact one which pushes things closer together so it’s not distracting.
Games are already horifically inefficient
That’s so far from the truth, it hurts me to read it. Games are one of the most optimised programs you can run on your computer. Just think about it, it’s a application rendering an entire imaginary world every dozen milliseconds. Compare it to anything else you run, like say slack or teams, which makes your CPU sweat just to notify you about a new message.
Well there’s no shortage of those, and they’re unusually cheaper too (unless they’re specced out). I prefer a thin silent one myself, so I welcome this innovation.