Socialist Mormon Satanist. Socialist Workers Party Kopimist. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Work-free. Over 45,000 downvotes hurled at me for refusing to kneel and vote for the capitalist Duopoly. Despite the attempts to silence me, I’m still here. I won’t be stopped.
I actually have no idea. I don’t really know anything about situation. Ella usually isn’t this ban happy. But I don’t know.
So I read it and I’m confused. Is calling you the trouble-maker in the situation? And is dbze0 caling you the trouble-maker.
I’m having a hard time following who’s doing what and where.
I was just banned from today too. No reason given. LMAO
I actually like, so I don’t know what’s going on over there. But it’s also why I diversified myself across different instances. That way I’m never affected when someone bans me.
But the ban hammer is sorta surprising. I know they were calling for some new mods, so maybe that happened. I know the mod Ella, was always pretty cool and def respected diversity of thought.
I wrote to the mods to find out why my ban, but haven’t heard back yet. Meh, I’ll just add it to list of Lemmy groups that ban me. lol
Thanks, friend! I do my best! :)