I genuinely didn’t know it was still big. Everyone I know who played it quit ten years ago and expansion launches no longer hit my feeds.
I genuinely didn’t know it was still big. Everyone I know who played it quit ten years ago and expansion launches no longer hit my feeds.
Isn’t Vivaldi Chromium? Would make it likely do be hit by the main branch dropping Manifest v2 support.
No. The repo has Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert 1, Generals with Zero Hour, Renegade, and components for the HD ports of TD and RA1 they put out a few years ago.
I think the old Westwood dev they put in charge of the franchise just doesn’t have any oversight.
At least some of the remaster source code is in the repo, too. If the TS or RA2 source code is found, people will be immediately able to do that graphics switch for them, too.
IIRC, a few years ago EA hired some of the original devs, put them in charge of the franchise, and then went very hands-off, but with very little budget. So far they’ve done this, and a very reasonably priced 4K remaster of TD and RA1.
That’s only the HD remaster of TD and RA1.
Though do also note that of these four, TD and RA1 were already made freeware years ago.
Not exactly a suggestion, but why emulate Okami instead of just running the PC version?
Edit: If you get the PC version, you should be able to use the touch screen to draw the brush techniques directly thanks to mouse support rather than having to fuck with the sticks. You also don’t get the input lag from emulation.
The fully lit portions of this map have been fully NPCd and quested. You might have enabled the preview landmass, which includes (or included, not sure if they still distribute it) a bunch of mostly mapped exteriors with partial interiors and typically no NPCs.
This kind of thing could actually be really beneficial for prosthetics. If we can make a robot that functions as close as possible to a human body at human size, then we can chunk it up to make prosthetics that work like your original limbs and are easy to adapt to.
Unity’s gameplay was a glorious return to form. Unity’s writing… not so much.
I still haven’t played Part 2, but I’m pretty sure the remake trilogy is a stealth sequel.
FF8 didn’t do it for me, mostly because the gameplay was a terribly broken mess. I loved 12, though; the story is like the love child of Final Fantasy, Game of Thrones, and Star Wars, and the gameplay felt like a logical evolution of the ATB system for a fully 3D world.
Possibly to differentiate from the trans women, who were mentioned immediately prior?
Even 2077 didn’t have ads in your car.
I hope the next Fire Emblem uses this. Of course, they didn’t use the Switch’s touch screen, so I’m not holding my breath.
TOTK makes me wish 3D TVs caught on.
Wait until there’s a steep sale on the Complete Edition later on. I only paid $5 for Civ5 Complete, and I think $15 for Civ6 Complete.
Bethesda has actually been consistently supportive of Skyblivion, Morroblivion, and Skywind.