That’s exciting. I wanted to play this again recently. I wanted specifically to play with a controller comfortably on a couch. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. My best bet was going to be getting the Xbox 360s digital version.
That’s exciting. I wanted to play this again recently. I wanted specifically to play with a controller comfortably on a couch. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. My best bet was going to be getting the Xbox 360s digital version.
She was a very highly requested (and memed) assist.
What’s this about sandy hook terfs though?
given a huge part of the story is literally aliens either you didn’t play the game or think aliens belong in medieval fantasy.
FWIW 16 isn’t a basic medieval fantasy setting.
16 is absolutely fantastic. I haven’t read any reviews for it so I don’t know what they are saying but I had an absolute blast playing it. Had a smile on my face from beginning to end. Well, I enjoyed it atleast I found the ending very sad.
This isn’t correct. It’s the folks making items and areas with the dev toolkits according to the article.
Developers for the little interactive worlds or items.
Definitely. And play control if you want to get some extra references. I’m playing right now and this game is constantly putting a smile on my face. It’s great.
I’m not sure. I know I could get a high speed one but tossing my phone on at night and currently it lasts all day most days. Same with my watch.
Thanks for the article, cool read!
I wouldn’t have even known what to google to learn this. Thanks for sharing! I actually love the C form factor I didn’t realize that was kinda what made it C and not what it could do. I appreciate your response.
I did read the article but didn’t know anything about EU law. Someone else shared an excerpt of the law and kindly explained how it worked. Thanks for your response though.
I had not thought of this good point.
Awesome! I knew by commenting someone educated would come along. Thank you very much.
My only concern with this law, is that what happens when USBC is no longer the best option. Idk how to express what I’m saying but what if USB-G ends up being 1000x as fast. Does this law allow for chargers to evolve and if so, how? I admit I haven’t looked into this but I’ve been wondering about it.
I’m 99% wireless these days so I wouldn’t be surprised if chorded chargers are largely on their way out, but I’m still curious.
This kinda disappoints me. They promised a long lifecycle and that was one of the reasons I purchase. Granted I honestly did end up not liking the gameplay a ton (specifically invasions which I thought I’d love.) That said I really doubt anything they are developing is going to be a meaningful improvement. They should have supported 2 for a couple years worked in some new ideas/control/tech. Any campaign or enemy’s in the meantime could have been DLc and people would have purchased it. I’m not interested in “spacemarine” becoming a yearly or bi yearly release.
Quick edit because I didn’t express myself super clearly, they clearly state in the article this is years away and they plan to continue to support 2. But now to me it feels there are going to be two separate teams working on Warhammer at saber and not one focused on