Might just be people who are used to having an algorithm so they dislike stuff they don’t want to see more of.
Might just be people who are used to having an algorithm so they dislike stuff they don’t want to see more of.
The problem with that is there is no centralized website you go to for Lemmy. The closest thing to that would be the various apps you use for Lemmy so my question would be where would you put this quiz? I think when people talk about joining a server being hard it’s just hard for people used to a centralized social media to get used to the idea that one social media platform can be made up of a bunch of different websites and it becomes overwhelming to even figure out where to go. They’re very used to just going to reddit’s website so if they can’t just look up Lemmy and click the first link to join it’s gonna be too complex.
Could make an interesting pricier addon for down the line. Like the release version is just a dock but later on they release an egpu dock that you have to buy separately.
I’m trying to remember if they have, I feel like most of the addressing of problems with sponsors has either been done on the forums or on the WAN show. And the reason why they probably don’t do that unless it’s like a really bad consumer affecting thing is because of how big LTT is now making a quick video isn’t really as easy as for smaller creators. It’s the classic problem of smaller companies or creators being much more nimble and agile to react and make quick videos about things compared to a bigger company like LTT that has writers that have to write the video, then they have to schedule a time to film it and since Linus would probably host would have to wait for him to be available, then it goes off to an editor to be edited, a thumbnail artist makes a thumbnail for it, and it’s slotted into the upload schedule which already has a number of other videos in it. It’s just a much longer and more expensive process that makes creating a quick video not as much of an option anymore, especially considering YouTube will punish your future videos if you upload a video that doesn’t do as well. I still think they should have talked about it or atleast looked into it a bit more and realized there was a lot more going on but I understand why they didn’t.
I think they talked about it on WAN show and said that other creators already knew which is why you haven’t really seen Honey ads anymore even before the recent video came out and they didn’t know about the consumer issues so they didn’t think it warranted a video.
I didn’t know about those earlier comments so fair enough that people don’t like him for that. At least more recently though he seems to be pushing hard for an arms embargo which would be a genuinely good thing to apply pressure on Israel. Not sure if that’s some kind of change in opinion or if he just is against the way they’re going so aggressive with it now and is more in favor of the liberal Zionists. But I think either way your original comment about him being in favor of sending weapons to Israel is wrong as he quite literally voted to stop doing that and led that effort in the Senate.
Didn’t Bernie literally lead an effort in the Senate to pass an arms embargo against Israel? I legitimately don’t understand how people say he’s pro Israel compared to other Democrats who won’t even support that.
Yep it’ll be the classic thing of the company saves money, doesn’t pass it on to the consumers, and now reports higher profits to make it’s stock price go up.
It’s crazy cause the first time around everyone was talking about how Trump is rich so he can’t be bought like other politicians but looks like that has turned around pretty sharply.
Yeah I’ve had the same Chromecast since close to when they first came out. Haven’t had any problems outside of apps not supporting it very well sometimes, which isnt really a problem with the device itself. Still works perfectly even with pretty constant use as I use it for having videos on while I fall asleep.
Don’t know anything about newer Chromecast but I really love my older one. Its just a dumb stick with no apps built in that I can cast stuff from my phone to. The only recent annoying thing with it is that the YouTube app changed the behaviour when you’re connected, so now instead of tapping on a video to bring up a menu asking whether to play it now or add it to the queue it now just defaults playing it now when you tap on it. Makes setting up a queue of videos really annoying now cause you have to tap on the three dots to add it to the queue now.
Yeah its almost like if we didn’t keep extending copyright protections a bunch of stuff would be in the public domain and any streaming service could offer it without having to deal with licensing.
I just don’t give notification permissions to most apps unless I actually care about notifications from it.
At least in my experience I have more customization issues when taking to people rather than using an app or going through a kiosk. The only time it’s the other way around is when they don’t include an option I want on the digital version but that’s becoming less and less common for me at least. The number of times I’ve had orders just missing customization things I asked for but they didn’t hear or forgot to enter is much higher when I go through the drive through or go in person then when I do it through something digital.
This is why I tend to just use the mobile apps for places to order. Not laggy and gives the benefits you mentioned of using a touch screen kiosk. A lot of them you don’t even need an account to use the app which is nice if that’s something that bothers you.
Theoretically if Amazon drones become wide spread in the environment and I capture one, attach a flamethrower to it, and the above scenario happens after I release it back into the wild, would that defense then apply as Amazon drones are native to the environment?
Probably companies like Comcast making sure there isn’t anything to disrupt their monopolies. Another reason to break them up so they can’t have that much power.
I mean yeah that’s what monopolies do. They eliminate competition by either buying it out or lowering their prices/improving service to drive them out of business so they can then raise prices again. Just cause a small company can come in and make things better while they’re able to be around doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go after these monopolies and cut them down so they can’t have this power.
Yeah I’ve always assumed incognito mode is just for when you don’t want to have it save to your browser history or if you want to be able to log into a second account on a website.
I mean yeah I think the main problem is just Google having all that data about you and potentially selling it to others whether that be for advertising, robocalling, or other things. So it really just comes down to how comfortable you are allowing Google to be able to use your emails and communications from corporations to see what things you like. Only time it really matters more is if you are using email for more personal or secure communications which yeah I would always prefer using better encrypted more messaging focused apps like signal for or just talking in person when possible.