“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
-George Bernard Shaw
He was a part of the story. The book The Founders goes into the beginnings of PayPal, Ebay, the other players, Elon being brought in, and Elon’s origins. A good read and it’s not all about Musk.
There doesn’t seem to be as much overflowing into non political communities here as at reddit where it’s just overflowing everywhere I find. I think it’s a reflecting of the anxiety many are feeling about the election. Hopefully it dies down in a couple of weeks.
We saw this grow during the duration of WW1. This first Xmas (when everyone thought it would be over by then). English and German troops met in no man’s land with an informal truce to bury their dead, exchange greetings, and play a little football.
Once the generals heard of this they banned all events like this from ever happening again. It’s hard to fight against someone you find are much like you. The Nazis in the second War were masters of dehumanizing not only the Jews but the Russians too. They didn’t treat the English and the Americans the same way for the most part.
Eventually when one has been at war long enough most of our humanity is lost. How else does one cope with such horror and depravity that comes with war?