You can draw sound waves with grease pencil so it should be possible
You can draw sound waves with grease pencil so it should be possible
PCIe to AGP and 12VHPWR to Molex
IDK if people over exaggerate but I honestly had more issues with NVIDIA driver on GTX 1080ti and RTX 3060ti than I had with my RX 6800 XT.
All issues could be mostly resolved with workarounds on both AMD and NVIDIA. The NVIDIA issues were actually more annoying as I had issues outside of games.
In conclusion, all GPU vendors have issues. NVIDIA is not the perfect guy, people just learned to ignore their issue or work around them.
Guess I wont stop then. Kids crossing the road? Too bad, I don’t wanna see the ads just because you have to get to the other side…
Whether it’s 50% or 200% it’s pointless if the avg FPS can’t even reach the bare minimum of 30.
I dont mind that its old. It can still do its job just fine. Setting it up and preparing room and space for it is a pain though…
I’ve bought my Oculus Rift in like 2017 and haven’t used it at all for the last 3 years… And I missed nothing. I played the heck out of Beat Saber and HL: Alyx, Lone Echo and some few other games but nothing noteworthy has been released for a long time so I’m just patiently waiting.
Oh, I did play quite a bit of VRChat as well back then.
In my experience it’s both cheap shitty headset and expensive shitty headset. The arguments is always wireless + mic so people go and spend ridiculous money on something that can be done better with a cheap good headphones like the Koss + dedicated mic that may not be as convenient to use but will sound much better.
Still, good sound design may be enjoyed on a shitty headset, it’s just that good audio can add more to gameplay than just graphics. Like for example walking in the main HUB area in Starfield is like soul numbingly hilarious… it does not feel alive at all even when you see NPCs walking around all the time.
Sound design > Graphics
You just unzip it and run it
I’ve played Postal 2 extensively when I was 8y old and I only piss in peoples mouth at work. I don’t even remember when it was the last time I went shopping and burned some alive with a gasoline.
They could retype it but are busy complaining
I honestly can’t wrap my head around how to use Mastodon. Idk how to search for things that would interest me.
I’m just glad Lemmy exists.
Where? Workstations at best.
TIL 1/3 of people don’t have Internet access
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Then there is this guy that has his headphones so loud that I can hear what he listens to from 5 rows away
It’s slower because it runs at lower clocks
I love how the RT makes the foliage pop out