Absolutely this and wait a year for the DLCs to release with it
Absolutely this and wait a year for the DLCs to release with it
Put that shit on GoG and maybe I’ll consider buying it.
DRM is still drm, be it one layer like steam or two layers with extra 3rd party account requirements.
With you on this, regardless of the method used, no app has any business running or snooping outside of the container that it was set up in. And this doesn’t just apply to desktop operating systems, mobile and entertainment consoles too.
I’d even take it a step further, that nonsense shouldn’t be on my machine in the first place.
Want to run anticheat stuff? Run it on your own crappy servers at your own cost and processing power. Live detect it through packets that are sent to you and are being processed, be it voice or input.
Whatever happens on my machine is none of your business.
Single episode. Cancelled before it airs. CEO does half an hour to maintain appearances. They stretch 15 minutes of footage to 90 minutes with a lot of talking about related items that are meant to convince us that less is more. Nominated for Oscar. Doesn’t win Oscar.
Still gonna taste like pork tho.
That’s called boofing and is strongly advised against.