Do we need to start throwing out the stats for how many rapist are men compared to women?
Spoiler alert, most rapist are men and it’s not even close.
Do we need to start throwing out the stats for how many rapist are men compared to women?
Spoiler alert, most rapist are men and it’s not even close.
It’s not, this tread is filled with Incels.
So it’s all bullshit then, got it.
Ok, what information could they gather and how would they use that to influence an election?
I’m so glad we banned tik tok so my data doesn’t fall in the wrong hands.
It makes me happy that Telsa did this because Tesla owners deserve this.
This program was paying for my cell phone bill. Had a $30 plan so it was being fully covered. Now it’s just one more bill on top of all my other bills I can’t afford.
For $30 a month it was making sure I always had the ability to work or find work. Without a phone it’s impossible to get hired anywhere. It’s not like minimum wage jobs will email you about your job application nor will they want to hire an employee that they can’t contact.
This was straight up a net benefit for the economy and just like the child Tax credit it’s gone. How are Democrats not able to make policy and keep it in place…
Racist see China did something good and have to go out of their way to shit on China.
Lol wut? I don’t think you know what “leninist” means.
So people selling on Ebay is a scam? People selling on Etsy is a scam?
More productive? Dog they are small businesses that are using tik tok as a store front. Like how people run business through Facebook. What your saying is “fuck these people they should just go work a soul crushing job at a big corporation like me”
If they banned lemmy and reddit you would be freaking out too. The difference is many people run their businesses on tik tok. Your making fun of people who are losing their livelihood.
That doesn’t prove a single thing you claimed. Every country does this with every social media app. I didn’t know watching peoples Tik Toks meant they owned the company.
Do you have any proof of this? Or just repeating propaganda.
You’re the type of person to hate on China for the way they control the internet then root for the same thing to happen here.
You sound like a 8 year old throwing a fit lol, libs man I swear… just as insufferable as conservatives. Maybe take Bidens balls out of your mouth every now and then.
Another crying liberal that wants to use my tax dollars to fight the oh so important war in Ukraine but won’t take his fat ass from his moms basement to enlist and fight.
Polls show that most Americans don’t want to fund Israel or Ukraine.
Having the public lose trust in the safety of flying is absolutely not something you want to happen. This could have devastating effects and I think enough is enough and the government needs to step in and take over running the airlines. It’s too important to leave gold hoarding dragons in charge of it.
Found the incel