Absolutely. Just boot it up without to rtx to see for yourself
Absolutely. Just boot it up without to rtx to see for yourself
I was debating between the two when I was first looking at them. I guess Session is supposed to be the more “realistic” one, and it’s pretty tough actually. Each stick controls each foot (left stick for left foot, right stick for right foot) but you can of course change the settings to be as arcadey as you want. There’s even a control setting to make it play exactly like Skate 2/3. There aren’t many maps to play in, but the maps that are there are pretty good.
When I first got the game in 2021 or '22, the maps didn’t even have cars or other pedestrians, but they added those in one of the updates in the last couple years (tells you how much I play it lol).
I’ll also say that the music is kinda lacking in the game. Like there are two or three “stations” you can listen to based on genres, and there are only a few songs in each, but the classic “turn the game’s music volume all the way down and pull up a playlist on YouTube/Spotify” move always works.
There’s also Session, which is pretty good
But not 3, Reach or ODST?
I mean you can enable “slow mode” in certain channels which puts you on a timer after sending a message. I think it’s configurable too.
Damn. Did it still get put back onto steam? I remember seeing something about it being put back on steam, but I haven’t really looked for it in a while.
Funny enough this is one of the early access games whose discord I follow, but I never pay attention to it
I have no idea how someone could use it for that.
The amount of people who spam messages in the boards is absolutely fucking insane. They’ll do that thing where they make it seem like they’re taking pauses or whatever when they’re putting breaks. Example:
Did you guys know?
That when you need to refill your characters ammo
You can reload by pressing R?
And other shit like that, but way worse and even shorter messages each time. I only use discord to keep up to date with early access games, or some communities that I’m a part of (YouTubers, and multiplayer communities like Project Zomboid servers). My job also uses discord to communicate (we’re a small company but with people around the country).
MX Vs. ATV Unleashed
Something about the early 2000s alt and buttrock that just does it for me.
Another one for Jak & Daxter. I’ve got OpenGOAL and PCSX2, and between them both I have the full Jak series. I was playing Jak 3 when I had a crash, but then I had been playing it like all day.
I’ve also been making my way through the first three Sly Cooper games (loved the series as a kid, but only ever got to play the third one for myself) and they’ve been running flawlessly.
My plan is to play through the Ratchet & Clank PS2 games as I never really got a chance to play them when they were fresh or otherwise. I’m excited for those.
Then I might go and play through the Spyro PS2 era games, minus the original trilogy as I have Reignited already.
Aside from those I have a bunch of other classics I’ve played and loved/wanted to play like the Tak games, Ultimate Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2, Batman: Vengeance, and others.
I would also be open to suggestions. I’m very into 3D platformers and action RPGs.
Dauntless was F2P if I remember correctly
I want a Swat Kats revival. That show ruled for some reason.
This is why people censor the word “G*mer”
How are you even getting upvoted? You’re clearly just talking out of your ass.
Exactly! I hate when people keep saying Bethesda “screwed over” mod devs, as if making a free mod takes precedence over someone who actually works for the game studio being told by their boss to make this update happen.
There’s too much going on at the company for someone to try to track down mod authors to “get their permission”
It would be like you offering me a place to stay and asking if I’m okay with you doing housework. Like I have no say, it’s your house, you need to do regular maintenance.
Imo Unity was probably the last “great” Assassin’s Creed game. I love the customization in it, the parkour and stealth like everyone else mentioned, even the combat was pretty fun.
This just seems like a willfully dumb thing to think.
I was required to have a Google email for high school in some cases in the US, as some of my teachers would post projects and assignments on Google Docs.
This was before computers were basically a requirement in the classroom so I can only imagine what digital identity kids “need” nowadays for school.
I miss Tsavo Highway
That’s kinda what the “Online” part of the title means…
You won’t “have to”? No one is making you buy the damn thing in the first place. Imo everyone should wait to buy it until it’s cheaper.