Almost all publishers are ass, should I never buy a game again?
Yep /s
Almost all publishers are ass, should I never buy a game again?
Yep /s
Same goes for OW.
I paid for a 6 x 6 Hero Shooter they gave me a F2P 5 x 5 version with a lot of changes and I cannot ever play again the game that I paid for. I do mind a lot.
Ayla NTR porn
I don’t know if I want a remake without Toriyama.
Not working, the only response I get is penis
I play a lot of MR, got matched with bots twice and both times I had to lose 3-4 times in a row. I can not see how bots is a issue with the game.
It is? Fuck
Earthworm Jim
Please someone do anything with this franchise. I can even tolerate an open world live service game of Earthworm Jim.
She has a ice bolt, explosive shot and a quick roll. The only difference in abilities is Cassie has the widow ultimate and Freja has a ability to lift upward.
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The new hero looking a lot like Cassie from Paladins.
Things changed so much that now Ow is copying Paladins.
Sometimes the dev wants to push a bigger update and takes more than 3 months? Why full stop the sales? Just warn the people and let them decides.
A bad written character is a bad written character, their dialogue could be about candies and is still a bad written character. This argument is bullshit, bad case of confirmatory bias.
EA… EA never changes
Until they need to inflate numbers before showing to shareholders
I have been talking a lot with a friend of mine about DAV and Dreadwolf.
I really think that even if they released the Dreadwolf, the version from the artbook, they probably won’t made a profit, the game could sell well like Inquisition but not like a Cyberpunk/The Witcher 3/BG3 and for the amount of time and resource they used sales like inquisition is not enough. They blew their chances with the 10 years of delays, the IP was not in a good place.
Only a miracle, a game on the same level as BG3 for Bioware to make a profit again.
My prediction is yes, they’ll ask 100$ and more, and yes, people will pay it.
Well the game could be disastrous and sell poorly after the first week.
It’s works, but it’s boring
Nintendo Switch 2 such a bad name
The problem isn’t the amount of value, they’ve essentially removed OW1, there’s no way to play it again from a game preservation perspective is goddamn awful what they’ve done. Probably the only time you can play it again is when they release an Overwatch Classic for $29.99 in 10 years.