Literally IBM a decade ago. AI->Quantum
Literally IBM a decade ago. AI->Quantum
This is supposed to be what NATO is for, so that they all fight like cats in a boardroom instead of killing their citizens on the battlefield.
Canuxico was right there.
Elven time conversion is the worst.
What I’m hearing is that we should mine the sun and make better use of all that fuel.
To moon landing, maybe. To fusion, no.
This picture predates the invention of the phrase “glassing” in this context by hours. It was an exciting time for etymologists.
It’s in a fucking wooden framed shed. Practically a shanty. Humans are insane.
They’re like the Luxottica of porn, hundreds of brands all owned by one place. Even if pornhub left, the vast majority of all their other sites are still available in any given state.
Plot twist: The crop is human misery.
I tried to upvote you three times while reading your comment. The missing piece was the rise of “anti-woke” voices inside the company itself. Lots of crackpots with inflated egos started getting really vocal over the lockdowns when they didn’t have anyone staring them down in person for being fucking morons.
If I get to pick my personal AI demon, I pick Badgy.
I regularly visit the Texas coast, and I don’t think I’ve ever said the “of Mexico” part out loud in a conversation ever. (Everyone just says “The Gulf”. But now I absolutely will. Especially when I’m calling around for quotes on a deep sea charter.
It’s so much worse than cockroaches.
Aaah that’s cool as hell. Yeah, I think I remember they reformulated the explosive to be less heat sensitive and cook-offy
You have awoken the last few neurons that remember being terrified of those things. Now I gotta find that movie.
They should bring the G11 back with pyrolytic graphite saboted ammo. It wouldn’t increase the weight or bulk much at all, and its thermal properties would allow the case to absorb heat much better than brass. It wouldn’t technically be careless, but if the sabot is ejected with the bullet, then it’s practically the same. I wonder how well compressed carbon would work with regular rifling.
Feel bad for the poor bastards stuck there on visas. Feel less bad about anyone looking around that can’t quit but can’t find another job. Would you hire someone who’s still working at Twitter? I probably wouldn’t even pull that resume for an interview.
He’s laundering money through it most likely
Every D&D v4 mage: Hell yes I am.