Or 1984.
Or 1984.
1984 right here.
I feel like the can opener in the Flintstones.
I’m an admin in Google Ad Manager for a few hundred sites. Saying that to say I’ve read a lot of their documentation. They have a great graph showing this very concept. Less ads, less money, happy users. More ads, more money, unhappy users. They’re aware. They aren’t pouring the poison. They’re designing the pitcher and selling different size cups.
I thoroughly enjoy it even in this buggy state.
Was super obvious last year when Israel was running ads on blogs about their occupation. Super cringe AI stuff.
Got this game super cheap for PS4 last November. Was super disappointed to learn that I’ll never get those updates and will always have a buggy game.
Maybe they’re in the same pickle my company is in. We’re having to migrate from edgecasr to akamai before noon tomorrow.
Wish I could. Have to admin a bunch of brands on it though.
Wish I could. My job has me knee deep in it everyday trying to keep up with all this.
Seems like you did an unnecessary pruning then. You just weren’t angry yet.