Yes you can but you are legally obligated to say “who rescued who?” At least once a day to a person.
Hail the Omnissiah! Praise be to the machine-god.
Yes you can but you are legally obligated to say “who rescued who?” At least once a day to a person.
If I wear a Velcro suit while hugging you would wacky sitcom level shenanigans occur?
Yeah it is really messed up that Disney made untold tens of billions of dollars on public domain stories, effectively cut us off from our own culture, then extended the duration to indefinite. I wonder why near everyone was silent about this issue for multiple decades until it became cliche to pretend to care about furry porn creators.
Creatives have always been screwed, we are the first civilization to not only screw them but screw the general public. As shit as it was in the past you could just copy a freaken scroll.
Anyway you guys have fun defending some of the worst assholes in human history while acting like you care about people you weren’t even willing to give a buck a month to on patreon.
Stealing: depriving you of what you own
Copying: taking a picture of what you made.
Stealing is not copying. You still have whatever you started with.
Yes it is perfectly appropriate for someone who burned a backup copy of a DVD they paid for to go to prison for ten years
I am just sitting here with my eye twitching thinking of all the code I have had to deal with from German companies over the years.
Anyone supporting this better be against right of repair and jail time for anyone discussing a sporting event without written permission
Do never change a running system!
No. There are plenty of reasons to change a running system. Spare parts become unavailable, troubleshooting knowledge is becoming lost, and the existing system was terrible and is crowding out better newer systems.
I deal with this attitude way too often.
Ask your grandkids to help you parse it. We are done.
Yeah yeah I suck go ask Lemmy for your money back. Maybe you can via fax or whatever boomer shit you insist on using.
What’s the ignorance?
The person was calling for a ban on advancing this technology
Also, did you say burning up the planet even faster, stealing and profiting off of people’s livelihood, and…fucking making nonconsensual porn of underage girls are “zero” problems? The fuck?
Let’s conduct an intelligence test, one I am sure a LLM could pass. What did I actually say? Let me know if you need help.
think putting the brakes on “AI” is the right move right now.
Strong disagree. I won’t accept any solution that step 1 is willful ignorance. You might be willing to stick your head in the sand because the world keeps moving, I am not.
With its energy usage, intellectual property theft, nonconsensual (and underage) porn generating…not to mention its use by the ownership class to take and commodify human expression away from humans and the capitalist motive to profit over any consideration for the ramifications for the working class…I
I always know when someone doesn’t have a good argument when they give me a dozen bad ones. 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 … Still equals 0. No matter how many times you do it.
America: gun shops and manufacturers are shielded from lawsuits. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
Also America: someone might learn how to make a bomb from an AI instead of learning it in the many many other places. Better sue.
Inconsistent. I can’t sue because my kids school have to have a constant police presence.
This is terrible. Why don’t we build nuclear power plants, rollout a carbon tax, and put incentives for companies to make their own energy via renewables?
You know the shit that we should have been doing before I was born.
Because data is king and sessions are going to be worth a lot more than searches. Go through the following
Talk to a LLM about what product to buy
Search online for a product to buy
Which one gives out more information about yourself?
Not enough attention as a child, wants to get on TV, cant accept that their shit diet and aging means they dont feel like a 21 year old anymore.
Maybe all three.
They are missing out on a chance to get their free 5G magnetic mark of the beast skin
For now. You know what the Supreme Court will be paid to do.
I can even outline it now. They will argue it violates the civil rights amendment which as it came later means it has higher priority over what came earlier. Then they will find some letter written by a random Founding Father arguing that the law should be written to only apply to members of nobility. There you go an Originalist argument against plain reading.