Could you ELI5 please?
I read on another post about “X-odus”
On that note…
The second Great Wall you can see from the moon
Honestly? Before the AI craze, I’d have said yes, because I believe AIs tailored to do one specific thing can outperform humans. Today? I’d rather not, as I could not let go of the thought that it might be somme shitty model quickly put together by the nephew of the CEO…
It’s true that keyboard layout is also a huge problem in Switzerland… I prefer fr_CH
I took a look, thanks for the discovery! However, the prices are… out of my budget
Will try, wish me luck!
I’d say Samsung is comparable, but Apple… Isn’t the goal of buying an iPhone to have a closed environment? (or was)
I tried the Mi 8 Lite, honestly I’m not impressed. It’s super cheap, which is really cool, but the OS it comes with is riddled with bloatware… Not sure it’s worth it
“AI” display? I’m not sure I understand…
“Advanced voice mode”, they sound more human
Here’s the Two Minutes Paper video about it: https://youtube.com/watch?v=lI3EoCjWC2E
Now, I’m all for the freedom of defending your country… But am I the only one thinking that this is presented in a bit too much of a good light? Like, what is the title supposed to make me feel? If the nationalities were reversed, would this have been posted here still?
I genuinely thank you for sharing this info, but I can’t help feeling uncomfortable reading about atrocious killing devices in a technology thread.
What’s with those tags?