The western democracy he put’s on the line is Europe and Canada, not the US. The US is gone.
The western democracy he put’s on the line is Europe and Canada, not the US. The US is gone.
These are two separate things. Men and women are all human beings and are OF COURSE capable of being shitty or good on the same level. But it’s important to give the same opportunity to both, there’s no reason one of the sexes should be discriminated against. Women are still not equal in many ways (the exact ways depending on the particular society).
Swasticar is good! In my mind, I was calling it TeSSla.
I don’t think they’re cringing, this is perfectly correct.
It’s nice, but it doesn’t really give me hope. Lemmy is good because it’s not mainstream. Once it got relevant, it would turn into today’s reddit. And if it, by chance, evolved into relevant opposition, I believe it would be easy for billionaires to destroy, despite the decenzralized character. It could also be used for curbing the opposition by gathering information about it. There’s no way to hide from people with enough money.
He owns the company, he can represent it anyway he wants. If he owes anything to his employees, it’s fair wage (I have no idea how fairly or not he pays).
It’s ok not to spend time and money on looks. No matter how much money you have. There’s no obligation to look good for anyone. The way he looks is not the problem with him.
Couldn’t get to the site and I’m curious. What is the incidence of compulsory sex disorder and erectile dysfuntion caused by porn? Are there any known predispositions?
What’s the title?
I’m pretty sure the latter was the middle-length answer. You can do better!
Now I wonder whether some of the different species that share the same route ever migrate together.
Well, not all, just those that are directly related.
Maybe just being parked there, the lights are still on. What an asshole, in that case, not leaving room for the pedestrians to walk safely :)
I’m confused. Is the cat on the left on the sidewalk or are the people next to it walking right in the middle of the traffic?
What’s going on there?
I haven’t seen Prometheus - the reviews talking about stupid characters were too much for me. Are you saying the characters are not really stupid, just have way too much enthusiasm for their scientific field to care for their safety?
In that case I may give it a try.
First time I saw the Jurassic park I thought no way would intelligent people just run around a huge and therefore dangerous Brachiosaurus or jump out of the car and run right to the ill Triceratops. That would be Darwin’s award kind of madness.
Then I studied biology, got to know some zoologists and paleontologists, and yeah, this is exactly what would happen.
I was once taught a technique for another problem I had. It worked well for me and could be applicable, so I’ll share:
I was told to imagine a large heavy box that can be locked. It’s helpful to imagine it in detail and make it your own. When a situation comes that would make me have the problem - in your case, something happens that makes you feel like oversharing - put it in the box and lock it.
It’s there in the box and you don’t have to deal with it right now, it’s going to wait for when you have time to deal with it in a healthy way.
Now the important part: find a time in the day when you feel comfortable, just a few peaceful minutes for yourself that you can have regularly every day. Make a coffee, sit down - anything that makes you feel alright.
Every day, in the designated you-time, open the box and take a look inside. Go back to what you’ve locked in there and evaluate. Now you have time to deal with it. Is it something that needs solving? Is it something that makes you feel certain way? Is it as big of a deal as it was when you locked it in?
Now you have time to really deal with the thing that made you upset. You will be better equipped to deal with it in the designated time when you feel alright and can focus on it. Often (though not always) you’ll find the thing shrank or disappeared completely during it’s stay in the box.
I’m neither and I’m having fun here. Lots of science, Star Trek, cute animals, shitposts, thoughtful commentaries, books and movies… And things are getting better. It’s already so much better than when I first came.