Username checks out.
Username checks out.
They really only recommend it because the average joe doesn’t need to install UBO on it, I also removed it after the VPN service controversy.
I saw it from the monster hunter community, now you can’t post the source of a fanart lol.
We wouldn’t be having this conversation though.
Even Marvel Snap is down because it’s a subsidiary lmao
Their class is united, it’s why they win.
I’m surprised most didn’t go to lemon8, since that is also bytedance it will just be banned too.
There’s no left in the USA, only liberals.
Sadly I don’t think it will happen since we are extremely dependent on whatsapp because our SMS sucked ass since the inception, messages were costly and always arrived late.
Shocking nobody
Apple’s headset was sold as mixed reality, I don’t even know if it can actually do VR and play VR games, and mixed reality is not that interesting actually. If you think VR games aren’t interesting even though they are full experiences nowadays like Asgard’s Wrath and Into the radius, MR games are legit minigames.
Veritasium made a video about it, his example video only performed better after switching the thumb and title to something more clickbaity.
Still working here, you can try clearing ubo’s cache to see if it goes away.
No teens on blue sky, nice
Yep, there was a rush over at kemono party to try and archive gumroad stuff that artists sold there because it would be hidden/deleted.
What a terrible platform, I knew they would get desperate after banning porn.
Not on this political climate.