Yeah, there’s no evidence that this is because of tariffs. Companies don’t make big moves like this after only a week of changes.
Yeah, there’s no evidence that this is because of tariffs. Companies don’t make big moves like this after only a week of changes.
There’s the Ig Nobel Prize. It’s satirical so there’s a chance he wouldn’t understand that it’s not the real one. Which would make the ceremony funnier as he gets pelted with paper airplanes and heckled.
First things first, it’s a moderated mailing list with some ads
This is what neighborhoods in my area do but without the ads. Around here there are distinct neighborhoods that have their own names but no official designation. People have, since before social media, set up mailing lists for each neighborhood moderated by one of the residents.
There’s occasional drama but mostly it’s people asking for tradespeople recommendations, curb alerts for furniture or photos of loose pets.
NextDoor-type services have tried to establish a presence but have mostly been ignored.
Maybe it’s the geography or the early adoption of e-mail lists but mailing lists work great around here.
And they’ll do so under the pretense of “will nobody think of the children” while prominent Brits have gotten away with raping kids practically in the open. They didn’t even need encryption, they had people willingly turning a blind eye.
Sure but they’re not going to fire all of them. They’re going to fire 90% then make 10% put out the fires and patch the leaks while working twice as many hours for less pay.
The company will gradually get worse and worse until bankrupt or sold and the c-suite bails with their golden parachutes.
Which applies to 99% of people making Delta Chat not a viable alternative to WhatsApp.
The Fediverse has the same problem that Linux, and Open Source in general, struggles with. The barriers to entry and network effects work against widespread adoption.
Until technology is packaged in a way that makes it dead simple and/or unavoidable, people won’t make the effort to move en masse.
With that hair he could pass for a hobbit.
Dildo Baggins, CEO of Meta
Funny enough, it’s all content moderators and fact checkers.
You can play it for free sans the newer sprite graphics.
You take the role of a single character to explore the whole world. You can take quests, follow rumors, explore fortress mode forts that you made, etc. Combat is controlled directly, you can target individual body parts with wrestling or weapon attacks. And more.
That looks nice but it looks like it’s for Windows- only. Heroic is cross-platform.
Use Heroic. It’s GPL.
Just use Heroic launcher to play the free Epic games.
See, you just need to wear glasses that project something to foil the facial recognition. Of course, they’ll come up with something to jam your obfuscator but you can upgrade to full body EM cloaking. Of course, they’ll implement…
It’s just going to be a constant escalation until rich people don’t go out in public anymore and poor people get regular back room body modifications.
They did it for the controversy to get attention.
With the end of the NFT and other coins bullshit…
I got some bad news for you…
Don’t over think it. You’re going for a walk and the other person is going on the same walk. Talk about your experience on the walk, ask about theirs. Let conversation happen.
If you’re going to be attracted to this person, you’ll know.
It’s possible that you’re just asexual like 1 out of every 100 people. It’s possible that there are circumstances of your past that contribute to this and your social anxiety. A therapist should be able to help sort that out.
It’s got something way better: LieAr
If people from Mint are saying it’s on their end why wouldn’t you believe them?
You’re not owed the technical details. If you want to encourage/pressure them, contact Mint support. They’ve already said that it’s a priority.
You can use RCS to message anyone on a carrier that supports it for their device from a carrier that supports it as long as you both have it enabled. There is a setting on your phone to turn it on. Consult the documentation for your carrier/device.
Libby link: