When you search for a community just pick the biggest one. Really all there is to it. Honestly reddit had the same issue with similarly named subs
Administrator of thelemmy.club
Nerd, truck driver, and kinda creeped that you’re reading this.
When you search for a community just pick the biggest one. Really all there is to it. Honestly reddit had the same issue with similarly named subs
Yeah I don’t get it at all. It’s a non-issue.
Unless you have a reason to otherwise just search for the topic you want and pick the biggest. Just. Like. Reddit.
On Reddit there’s tons of very similar named communities out there it’s fine.
In theory yes. But remember that Chrome is based on Chromium which is open source. But nobody has stepped up to do a viable hard fork to take power away from Google.
Maintaining a modern browser is a huge undertaking which is why almost nobody except Google, Mozilla, and Apple are really even trying. Even Microsoft threw in the towel.
The more bad stuff is added to Firefox the harder it will be for any forks to keep up removing it while also keeping it up to date. Will anyone step up?
Every one of them can, AFAIK. I have a second cheap used phone I picked up to play with Ubuntu Touch and it has a system called Waydroid for this. Not quite seamless and you’ll want to use native when possible but it does work.
SailfishOS, PostmarketOS, Mobian, etc all also can use Waydroid or a similar thing
Awesome news. Lemmy has felt kinda empty and sad lately without them
Good for them honestly
They’re developed separately. It’s a hard fork so I consider them different.
In the past 10 years it’s pretty much just been Firefox, Safari, Explorer/Edge, and Chrome. 99% of browsers are just skinned Chrome. Even Edge now. Opera’s engine died in 2013.
That’s probably why I saw it I’m my steam recs the other day then. So the publicity is working!
Yeah there’s some that try and do ID verification here… Like verification by webcam AI age shit. No no no no no.
Yeah new users are like, semi-shadow banned for a while
They gave out Wipeout and infamous for free out of that, I got a lot of play time out of those two games.
I dunno if app stores are gonna bring it back though.
The law stipulates like, ridiculously massive (seriously like $5k PER USER) fines for hosting it. I dunno if a legally-dubious pinky promise from Trump will be enough for them.
There’s tons of it, even in Chinese so I call bullshit
Yeeees, but the two won’t generally see each other unless they try. That’s my understanding.
Lol that would be an absolute mess. And they’d end up having to redo everything from the ground up because Bytedance isn’t gonna hand over encryption keys and would probably wipe everything important if they knew that was coming
They’re not selling
Well it’s a good thing they banned TikTok because it has “Closed, source, manipulative and harmful algorithms” and not for some other reason
You’re off by some orders of magnitude.
It’s 0.005%
But that’s based off of the 1.1 billion number I saw. Somehow I very much doubt there’s 1.1 billion people with accounts who login and browse at least once a month.