Yea. I feel it’s a little underpowered. But I’ve got retroarch on it. It’s nice to be able to easily get psp and psvita games on it. Even if half are psx ports.
It’s become my main gaming machine at the moment. But I’m not much of gamer.
Yea. I feel it’s a little underpowered. But I’ve got retroarch on it. It’s nice to be able to easily get psp and psvita games on it. Even if half are psx ports.
It’s become my main gaming machine at the moment. But I’m not much of gamer.
The issue I was having was getting a hyper-v host to connect to an iscsi array on a nimble. That first result was pretty much exactly what I needed. It didn’t highlight it in the preview, but it was on the page once I opened it.
I’m starting to give up on Google. I’ve literally copy and pasted the same error message in Google, DuckDuckGo, and Kagl.
Google will respond with “no results found” while the others will actually give me a response.
Or the docs are just out of date and literally don’t mention this feature added 2 years ago.
That’s how the girlfriend and I met. We didn’t start dating until we had both quit, but I had quite a few flings with coworkers in my day.
Steak and eggs, chilaquilas, and a margarita flight.
Lots of breakfast food and tequila for life, not a terrible thing.
I agree, I didn’t like the new combat system.
But I really like turn based combat. I don’t like to have to run around, spam buttons, or time anything right. I like to read and have time to make a decision. It’s a personal preference, but one that made me not get very far in the remake.