Grieving murdered family and friends is political?
Grieving murdered family and friends is political?
In 10 years time a coding assistant is going to spin up a development environment, install the necessary frameworks and sdk’s, create accounts with 3rd party software providers, activate said accounts, process the payment if necessary, process the emails sent by these providers to either obtain some kind of key or download a file, then apply this to the codebase to activate the use of 3rd party tools. It’s going to compile the code it generates based on a 100 page prompt, for the appropriate platforms, configure the right environment variables for the target system and create a distributable package. It’s going to create accounts with 3rd party hosting providers, activate said accounts, process the payment if necessary, setup mfa authentication, setup the deployment environment, install the necessary frameworks and runtimes, upload and deploy the distributables. It’s going to take customer bug reports in spoken or written form, process them, reproduce the issue and apply fixes to the codebase, verify and provide feedback to the customer. It’s going to take customer feature requests in spoken or written form, process them, apply changes to the codebase and provide feedback to the customer, etc, etc, etc…
Kinda doubt it to be honest.
Fun fact any developer working with the api can tell you, there is a clear distinction between de voip bit and the meeting/chat bit. They haven’t bothered rewriting or integrating it in any way so the Skype for business backend is still very much alive.
The AI in question: targets.forEach(target => target.isHamas = true);