Shit, actually that sounds like it would be perfect for that… And here I was thinking of buying a giant duffel bag
Shit, actually that sounds like it would be perfect for that… And here I was thinking of buying a giant duffel bag
Can I pay my taxes, rent, and student loans in your currency? If not then it’s not real money
Yeah and a lot of them are mad that they only got money and power while the other kids getting our asses kicked, the queer kids, got to be cool as adults instead. /hj
Like i got taught not to be effeminate quite violently. While teachers picked on me for being weird and smart. I guess I just can’t give a shit about these people who love to make sob stories to justify their cruelty and bigotry. They can heal or get out of the way.
Agents provocateur are actually what we historically had to worry about just as much as spies. They’re the guy who’s just raring to go do something a bit risky or really wants to run security for your event. Doing what they say or aiding them will get you arrested.
Grammar and now even spelling correction are increasingly unable to match my written style. Especially when I decide to play with my language.
Unfortunately not the case with calculators. Lots of triple font learn thr math they ask a machine to do for them
Oh, nice username. Almost got me there
You mean people who haven’t been taught to write quickly, easily, and with their own style tend to look to automate writing faster than those who write better than ai, can do so quickly, and have the proficiency to see it as a form of self expression?
Shocked I tell you. Also not surprised AI researchers are surprised
$5 USB fob for printing
It’s like when Reagan removed the white house solar panels. Pure vice signaling
If it makes you feel any better that discussion could’ve easily happened at a dungeon or orgy
Exactly. The comic strip questionable content contains artificial intelligences with quirks, foibles, personalities, and a social understanding that they’re people too. In it people and ais have relationships and even marry. It’s no weirder than a human in a fantasy setting falling for an elf.
In the real world these are fancy chatbots owned run by corporations. Anyways here’s a video about people falling in love with them, it’s more sad than anything
That all really tracks, especially Rhode Island
Ask any illinoisan what the tallest tower in Chicago is and you won’t hear the name that’s on the building. And good for them
Meanwhile I used to drive a 99 Chrysler 300m and I swear it was one of the best vehicles I’ve driven. It only died because as an idiot 19 year old I thought the engine temperature gage could wait a day because I had to move into college.
That said it was the last car Chrysler made worth shit
Yeah there’s a huge difference between advertisements in free media vs advertisements in a car you almost certainly had to get a loan to purchase
And the best part is you probably have local anarchists who want to help you learn to maintain it
I’d argue that the American Civil religion is dedicated to the dual gods of Columbia and Mammon. Those are the only two things they consider truly sacred
I think you’re absolutely right. I imagine in 20 or so years all this will be seen as heretical by the more organized Christian denominations. Really I see two ways for it to go: mormonism or positive Christianity. And that really depends on how well things go for them
Yeah its ostensibly to do stuff like pest control and maintenance (and my dorms really needed such things), but you’d think you could basically offer a “I’ll keep my arrangements through next year” deal and get summer housing.
My university actually did have apartments and I think my friends were able to stay over the summer in those.