All of those are due to the drastic increase in jobs during covid. This is happening in many, many tech related careers. It is not because of inclusivity. Get your head out of your ass.
All of those are due to the drastic increase in jobs during covid. This is happening in many, many tech related careers. It is not because of inclusivity. Get your head out of your ass.
I can’t be the only one that has had issues with game pass, can I? I’ve tried it 3 separate times for 2-3 months each on three different PCs, and every time I’ve had different issues.
The windows client has been buggy. Sometimes clicking things just… doesn’t work. The pathing for save files is done in such a way that you can’t transfer them from PC to PC. Some games just straight up not working. The list went on for me. I figured I’d keep giving it another try on a new system, but not anymore.
I’ve read some people have absolutely zero issues after years of using it. I wonder why the experiences vary so highly from user to user. Game Pass was an interesting service, but a horrible experience for me.
Something to consider. With conversion, new games are usually $80-$100 in Canada.
People still buy them.
It’s weird that a game can be made after initially being backed by fans and then absolutely slated by those same fans, but I guess the world works in mysterious ways.
How is this weird at all? People hopped on it because they wanted more Megaman by a major creator and contributor to many Megaman games. Turns out, with only one cog in the Megaman machine, a great game does not make.
Perhaps you should have started with that source, then. I just pointed out your other source meant nill.
As for the rest, I haven’t downvoted you at all, but my guess on what your personality was like seems to be correct with all the choice buzzwords you spout. Not really a good look for the crusade you’re trying to expose, friend.
Your “ousting of Hennig” is hilariously weak, since your sources only source has since backtracked its reports and apologised.
The rest of your comment just reeks too much of buzzwords that I can barely comprehend it, though I tried.
I’ve got my own moral stances and companies I won’t give the time of day because of that.
But damn, do I not post about them every single time someone mentions them, or in threads where people are enjoying themselves. Get over yourself.
I’m just going to post this comment to this thread as well, since this is newer. Classic shifting of blame and no one taking responsibility for scummy actions.
Fun fact: Funko’s current CEO is the ex-president of Wizards of the Coast!
Why is this relevant? Well, under her leadership, WotC sent pinkerton agents to someone’s home to threaten them because they got some Magic the Gathering cards early. She said things like Dungeons & Dragons players were under-monetised, pushing to make the Table Top game more like a microtransaction-filled video game, and helped with the OGL scandal.
The OGL, for anyone unfamiliar, was an Open Gaming License WotC had for years with D&D 3rd party creators. It allowed certain things to be created using D&D mechanics and lore by anyone that followed its guidelines and allowances. A couple years ago, WotC tried to change that so they would make more money off of people trying to create things for D&D - to profit off of indie creators passionate about the game. There was a huge backlash, and they eventually went back on this decision.
All this to say, you can see what kind of leader the current Funko CEO is, and what’s happening with itch isn’t surprising to me.
Until Sword and Shield, the games weren’t known to be ugly, buggy messes. People have, and continue to, praise the 2D pixel art of previous generations. Sun and Moon is an odd middle ground as some people started to not like the 3D direction, but thought it’d improve on a more powerful console, like the Switch. I don’t think it’s correct saying this is a staple of pokemon games. It’s a staple of modern pokemon games, which I absolutely disagree about the last 2 entries being the best. Far from it.