I represent myself in all my cases :)
I represent myself in all my cases :)
Great news for defendants though. I hope at my next trial I look over at the prosecutor’s screen and they’re reading off ChatGPT lmao
Only if you use privacy as the opposite of public. “Privacy”, though, generally refers to counter/non-surveillance. It’s not surveillance to be able to access data that you explicitly publish publicly.
It’s quite common for nazis to do both. “The death count is inflated, but they deserved it anyway/I wish it were more” and such.
“Why are you so mad” I’m having a casual conversation on a social media platform lol.
I didn’t vote in the US presidential election because I’m neither a citizen nor resident, and I’m also banned from entering your borders anyway lol. But sure I’m responsible for your fascism. Sorry for telling you to do effective things instead of checks notes sending pointless messages to underpaid Apple employees assigned to read customer complaints, who will have been told by their bosses to disregard these messages. My bad, don’t do any political activity, just complain to corpos instead.
Now where the hell did I say “do nothing”. Hilarious that liberals’ idea of “doing something” is “put a comment into Apple complaints that they can easily not even look at”.
You’re shouting into the void. Stop trying to beg the ruling class to not oppress you and get organised. They will not give up power voluntarily.
VPS in order to go offshore due to being a political organiser/having state interest in me. If my domestic state was not interested in me I would use a home lab though; it’d wind up cheaper in the long run I reckon, better performance as it’s bare metal (though my VPS is KVM so performance hit is negligible), and better control since you both own and have physical access to the server. For most people’s purposes I’m sure an old laptop or a raspberry pi would work fine so you don’t need to splash out either. I probably wouldn’t suggest a VPS unless you have the same threat model as me (ie likely to get raided & server seized, or likely to have active monitoring of your internet activity via ISP); I don’t really think it’s worth the money long term. Or I guess if you do just have general privacy concerns you could rent a VPS in a country known for decent privacy, but just for peace of mind reasons instead of a tangible threat to you.
Edit: Also depends on what you use the server for. If you want it to not be linked to your real identity you’d probably want a VPS, otherwise every time someone emails you they find out the IP address of your home network.
It’s not migrating my emails I need, it’s forwarding new emails sent to my old address. I mostly use duck addresses these days so luckily I can just change the address ddg forwards to in future, but prior to starting to use ddg’s email service I’d have a ton of services I need to change the email address for. Proton offers this service but I’d have to pay a subscription for it, and obviously I need it indefinitely if some service sends me an email eg 5 years down the line. Of course emails sent to an old email 5 years later are probably not important but it’s just convenient to not have to log into Protonmail to check if I’ve got any mail sent to my old address.
It is a bit nuts how hard it is to switch email accounts. Although conveniently I believe gmail has a forwarding feature. Protonmail unfortunately doesn’t in its free tier (I recently switched from protonmail to self-hosted postfix/dovecot), and paying for a protonmail subscription just to forward my emails to a different email seems to defeat the point of paying for an email service.
If they did have insider knowledge why would they explicitly say so in a public forum that may not be anonymous?
I didn’t know they allowed you to search without JS before. If you’re at the point of disabling JS, presumably for security or privacy reasons, why not just use DDG which works perfectly well without JS?
That kind of data access is generally included under security not privacy (which is more about telemetry), but obviously with a state threat model privacy and security can become blurred, and that kind of data access is of concern if you are at risk of having devices seized by the state.
That would be a security issue, not a privacy issue. Maybe that was what RelativeArea0 meant but if so I think that confused people because “privacy” implies somehow corpos/the state is spying on you through Lineage
Yep, I was referring to that. You can stick someone else’s SIM in your phone and log into their signal account if they’ve not set a Signal PIN. You don’t see message history but new messages to that person will go to you.
I wish Signal stopped using it. I know you can set a Signal PIN but a lot of the non-techy friends I speak to on Signal probably wouldn’t think to, or look through the settings (not that you need to be “techy” to set it, but you know the kind of learned helplessness most people have about tech). At least a prompt for all users to set an account PIN so their account can’t just be stolen by anyone with their SIM card.
No fun allowed
Still inflation… (Also not sure what “growflating” would even mean)
I don’t know about the US specifically, but oftentimes, and definitely where I’m from, laws can have a small amount of “common sense” leeway and judges can find justifications for rulings if they want to rule a particular way. e.g. I have pirated games that I legally bought because there’s literally no functioning “official” download link anymore, if anyone were to ever prosecute me for that, even if it were illegal technically a judge could find a way to rule it lawful out of sympathy or whatever other reason, if they wanted to. A lot of the time it’s “the government can’t have possibly intended this law to be enforced this way, therefore I rule XYZ”.
In any case, as you said, I’ve never heard of anyone being pursued for that. And if it’s not enforced, it’s not a law.