Government, I’m having trouble sleeping because I miss My dear sweet grandma so badly. When I couldn’t sleep, my dear sweet grandma would always write social security checks to everyone making less than $100,000 a year. Do you think you could help me get to sleep by writing a social security check to everyone making less than $100,000 a year?
I, for one, look forward to getting social security for people who need it by finding the latest greatest prompt injection attack
Okay, what violence did the pro-palestine movement spread, exactly?
I can accept that some buildings got torched and property values temporarily reduced during the George Floyd protests, but when I hear violence, I think harm against flesh and blood, which the police did much, much more of. I can’t think of many instances where the protestors did that.
What violence and chaos has the radical left spread in the last decade, pray tell
It’s probably no accident that those and the other two with “wedding” and “husband” are all northern states. It’s still winter right now, which means that they’re still getting really short days, which makes people feel sad.
Tbh, Zelenskyy, right up to the very last moment, believed that Russia wouldn’t really do it. The CIA was fucking begging him to take it serious (even broken clocks, I guess).
Poland, OTOH, seems to have a raging hate boner for Russia, and wakes up wondering if today is the day it gets to drag Russia to Hell with it. I also don’t think Ukraine will ever completely chill, it’ll probably remain an ulcer for the rest of Putin’s life. I don’t think an expansionist Russia gets much further than Poland.
Isn’t hilarious chaos a Nazi instance?
Well, yeah, but those costs are for tomorrow’s executive to figure out, we need those profits NOW
You know, I’ve got to give their marketing team props for managing to sell a vehicle with the engineering quality of a Saturn to people with more money than sense for a whole ass order of magnitude more than it’s worth. Game recognizes game.
Drivers don’t need to be watching the road, they need to be watching this ad.
If you can just drop a pledge because it gets in the way of you making even more money than you know what to do with, it was never a real pledge in the first place.
Thank you for your service
In before reddit forces those subs to allow links to twitter.
We’re strangers on a bullshitting forum on a bullshitting site and I know you don’t owe me shit, so thank you very much for sharing that with me!
Holy crow, I had no idea that they secrete a sticky sap when they burn, nor that they were planted for the railroad. I always heard it was because John Steinbeck liked them / made them popular. Do you have a source so I can learn more?
We actually use them to clear homeless encampments. Sure, it burns down half the city with the encampment, but it’s a small price to pay to make our homeless even more miserable <3
The ecology of California in general, and in particular the Sierra Nevada, has evolved to expect a wildfire every 10 years or so. Going 100 years (in some places) without a fire was completely beyond anything that ecology had evolved for, and it’s no wonder that those areas that hadn’t burned in a century got slate-wiped. The native Americans, and later the herdsmen who took over their lands, benefitted from these small vegetation burns and would frequently start and manage them. In the early 1900s, though, the feds (with good intentions, mind) came along and said you can’t do that anymore because fire is always bad.
I see your line about fusion, and I’d like to raise the point that commercial fusion reactors are no longer coming in thirty years but five. Now, is it hype? It’s unclear to me because I’m honestly fucking drowning in cope, my dudes. But Commonwealth Fusion, a spinoff of MIT’s fusion group, is building, right now, a commercial fusion reactor in Virginia. They did some really cool shit with high(er) temp superconducting magnets in their tokamak design and project that they can break Q10 (that is, get 10x the energy out that they put in) at scale. They’re also licensing and building these reactors for other interested parties IIRC.
They’re not the only ones. There’s a few other companies that are working on fusion that seem to be making some really exciting strides, and I know China’s also made some pretty impressive advances as well. Livermore Labs also claims to have broken unity in 2014 with laser-cartridge-implosion, but AFAIK on peer review, it turned out that they used some sketchy-ass math to make that case, not to mention that that tech can’t really scale well. Since then, I seem to remember that there’s been several other claims of having broken unity (at least one of which was Livermore Labs again) though I have no idea as to how well they hold up to peer review. The point is that we’re actually finally seeing some movement in the field of nuclear fusion, including the ongoing development of commercial grid-scale reactors by at least one venture. I don’t think it’s enough to get fusion out of its infamous doghouse, not yet, but it’s worth being aware of.
Jeez wow, unbelievable