The RWR would tell the pilot it was a buddy spike. He knew it was blue and blue immediately and was probably screaming in the radio the whole time
The RWR would tell the pilot it was a buddy spike. He knew it was blue and blue immediately and was probably screaming in the radio the whole time
You should read about USS William D Porter, this F18 story isn’t even close to the history of that fletcher class. At one point it fired a live torpedo at the Iowa with roosevelt on board.
I’m not sure why this suprises people.
M2 Browning was bolted to basically everything american in ww2 and that was 80-90 years ago. It’s an old weapon
Seems like a rip off Dorfromantik. Shame there are less and less original games these days
How can it possibly be legal to 3D face scan a child, especially if it needs to be authenticated by a remote server somewhere.
I can only ever see option 1 working
Guardian have a paywall for their mobile app, you get a quota of articles per week.
However the website which is almost identical is unlimited
The problem is AI will always confidently give you an answer like its word is fact. Obviously since you’re the one searching, you’re most likely unable to verify its accuracy so it’s impossible to trust.
I dont mind AI being wrong when i can immediately tell when its wrong but in searches I’ll never trust it
Mobile youtube links, gross
Unless you are watching live content, you are correct
Wasn’t it always like that?
ZuckFuck doesn’t make his net worth each year. So let’s compare it against US citizen net worth. I have stats from 2022
Average American new worth is ~$1,050,000 Median American net worth is ~$192,000
I hate zuck as much as you but it’s important to be accurate and fair as possible when comparing statistics.
So it’s like a fine of $19 if using median and $105 if using average. Still peanuts for a fine
Source: https://dqydj.com/net-worth-percentiles/