Why are the Chinese companies not collapsing too? What’s different about irobot that they can’t compete?
Why are the Chinese companies not collapsing too? What’s different about irobot that they can’t compete?
Doofenshmirtz is that you?
Is this related to the pricing changes or something else?
Why would he want that? I thought he hated China?
Since you understand why they need to implement these blocks, can you enlighten the rest of us?
On desktop, questions like how to make an accessible input element are handled by your widget toolkit. Why does the browser need to handle every question itself? Let the qt or gtk or whatever folks answer the question of how to create an accessible input element. Split the scope and investment among many players which individually don’t need as much funding and can innovate more quickly.
With webassembly and webgl, why do browsers need to evolve? If you want some feature the browser doesn’t provide, just make it yourself and draw it onto the canvas. x86 assembly gets occasional performance improving instructions but fundamally it’s existed for 50 years and can continue to support all modern programs. X11 survived for 40 years before any talk of a replacement really appeared. Why can’t Chrome be maintenance only for 40 years and let apps and websites innovate on top of its primitives?
Northernmost Alaska: so hot right now
What’s a waveguide?
Why? Wouldn’t it be expensive to build a whole new set of private roads everywhere for these?
Really? I thought the competition these days was coming from China, not from Nissan
Maybe that’s why yields are so low? Employees keep eating them
Are you ever gonna give it up?
How sweet, they look just like their father
Ducks have wings and can fly. Ostriches have wings and can’t fly. So it’s not the wings that make the ducks fly, it’s something else entirely.
I thought qualcomm was the majority market share in the mobile cpu space?
How’s this possible with the kernel under gpl? If you’re getting precompiled binaries, shouldn’t you also be able to get their sources by law?
Why would we need education if there aren’t going to be any jobs to do?
Hmm, can irobot not also manufacture their products in China?