It’s a shame the outage didn’t take MSN down with it.
It’s a shame the outage didn’t take MSN down with it.
Because a shit ton of fraudulent science hasn’t come out of the US or Europe. Nope. No sir.
Sure, it’s not a bad thing and it should be standard practice, but to act like encrypted traffic guarantees privacy is silly.
If you are implying that a government wants your data, they can just buy it or request it from the company directly. They don’t have to snoop to get it. Also SSL isn’t going to stop them.
The fact that anyone thinks they have any semblance of privacy when typing into an online AI chatbot is saddening.
Of course anything you type into a externally hosted AI is going to be harvested and sold.
But sure, in this case you are also potentially exposing your queries to your ISP or someone listening on your local network too.
Enterprise adopted 100GbE networking around 2019. You can now buy used network cards for around $100 each.
This is dumb.
Even if you encrypt network traffic, the receiving server still knows what you’re doing. All it does is prevent third parties from snooping.
That’s fair.
Is it not tax evasion/fraud? In the US, either can bring criminal charges. For a smaller municipality, is there no assistance available from higher government?
It’s both.
An example of bad urban planning is low density urban sprawl, which requires lots of resources for few housing units.
Less housing, price go up. High build cost, price go up.
Blaming AirBnB for high housing prices is like setting up a chain of dominos, and criticizing a guy who comes by and knocks it over.
Yeah, and that’s exactly what they chose to do. They contributed to the reasons John Public can’t afford housing, and were rewarded massively for it.
If it wasn’t him, it would have been someone else, or the wind.
Yeah, anyone can rob a bank with poor security, but we should still punish the guy who actually robs the bank.
Cops would rather beat up college students and the unhoused than go after landlords.
that’s an expense that’s hard to justify to taxpayers
Ah, yes. We don’t have money because collecting taxes would be too expensive. Classic.
Don’t worry, It’s OK when the US does it.
Civilized countries have already figured this out.