I’ve learned from my mistakes with Google IoT. Unless I can host things myself, preferably even before the product inevitably dies, i’m not even considering it
29 | He/Him | Garlic Bread Enjoyer | Software Engineer
I’ve learned from my mistakes with Google IoT. Unless I can host things myself, preferably even before the product inevitably dies, i’m not even considering it
In comparison to XC2 or 3, the recent pokemon games look like an insult, and a bad joke. I’m still mindblown by that Nintendo greenlit those releases, given how specific they are with other first-party game designs
I can’t imagine ever working on any project that large. Most of your people will essentially have zero communication with each other, and release a half-assed overbudgeted product as a result
They have no incentive to fight the voice assistant war anymore. That decisively ended in the late 2010’s with no winner, because they moved onto the next buzzword technology by then. At this point, GA is just on life support, and will continue being a piece of garbage, as they remove more features from it, under the notion that the userbase is not large enough.
I don’t even know if i’m surprised, or just disappointed. It’s one thing to make a bad game, but it’s another thing to pick up a bad abandoned game, and actually make it even worse
I thought 2 was already a huge downgrade from 1, however i haven’t played the game in quite some time. Didn’t know there’s still an audience for this series
I loved the first game, bought the second one on release, and havent launched it by this day. Should really catch up
What had happened to the people in ZAUM (or what was once that studio), is a tragedy, and a huge shame. I’m not even a cRPG/dnd person, but that game has singlehandedly opened my eyes to a whole new world. It’s easily in my top10 games of all time, and I wish we could get another one eventually
No evidence, except for that the entire first paragraph of that page describes his exact behavior. No need to be a bootlicker
For a second there, i’ve panicked, thinking this is about Monolith Soft. Either way, really sucks for the workers, but WB themselves can eat shit
Because some people love going off headlines, and not the actual articles, and then further twist information, to promote their narrative.
They never said there will never be one. They said there won’t be yearly incremental releases, because they want a substantial performance leap. And that is something I strongly admire. Makes the customers feel more secure in their choice, and lets Valve work on new stuff in peace
They are mostly known for being a paid platform where you can steal finished homework, but I guess they do more than that these days. They run the Busuu language app now
Making brand new content costs a ton of money, and Sony clearly made colossal missteps in regards to that recently. With this, they’re hoping for what’s essentially free cash
Archolos, and it’s not even close. This is one of the best gaming experiences i’ve had in years
What a waste of money. I wouldn’t wish it to anymore more deserving, than HP
130C on a properly connected, high quality cable, is absolutely mental
No one’s said anything about hating it. For me, it’s primarily a co-op game, and if they’re not going to switch to it, it’s better for me to save the cash, and put it towards something else
Unless my friends, who have put a lot of hours into both Civ 5 and 6, unanimously recommend 7 to me, I have no intention of getting it.
I’m both satisfied enough with what I already own, and not sold on the new one yet. Not to mention that it’ll inevitably be a vehicle for more dlc and expansion pack sales
Well, isn’t that just great
Are these the same “completely unattended” Amazon locations, which turned out to have thousands of what essentially were middle-eastern slaves operating the shops remotely?