Very good point. It would depend entirely on the locations of the land masses on OP’s globe.
Very good point. It would depend entirely on the locations of the land masses on OP’s globe.
A Dan, a clan, a canal, Canada.
The AuthaGraph is considered the most accurate flat map from a globe.
It shouldn’t. The DRM is on the Amazon book file format. The books I get from my library are usually epub format.
Authors receive 25% of the ebook sale to a library in the US. Frequent lends will also influence future purchases made by the library.
Libraries in Canada and the UK pay royalties for each lend.
Check if it’s available on your library website first, for the sake of the author.
And half of that is collateral for his personal loans ($3.5B)
I haven’t replaced a head unit in years, but I’m not surprised the proprietary systems require custom components for replacement. I can’t count the amount of head units I’ve replaced with my own ‘custom’ wire harness to save the $15 it cost for the Metra adapter. Lol
Not a chance. The new ‘infotainment’ clusters integrate necessary features like climate control to prevent aftermarket replacements in most vehicles. I honestly don’t know if any manufacturers even use the single and double DIN standards anymore.
Oh-ay, hay-ya, oh-ay, hay-ya
If you zoom in on the image, you can see a faint gray square inside of the Lemmy app icon. That means it’s a progressive web app (PWA) on iPhone.
Open the webpage in Safari > tap share > tap add to Home Screen
Like the Line of Actual Control agreement between India and China? It’s such a fascinating border clash.
The ones serving up the ads aren’t even the ones listening. They’re buying collated data from many different sources, then their algorithm matches your interests with one of the products they’re contracted to sell. Next thing you know you’re looking at a Rolex ad because you zoomed in on someone’s watch on their Instagram post.
They failed to mention the new CEO.
It’s Connor Gaydos, the “birds aren’t real” guy.
We should just hold an annual international battlebots tournament.
More importantly, the hardware is designed and inspected by Apple’s engineers. Security vulnerabilities would be Apple’s failure regardless of the origin of the parts.
Does implementing a draft to defend the nation somehow make it Zelenskyy’s fault that Russia invaded?
Africa needs to be enlarged quite a bit and there’s a whole continent missing. Not bad otherwise.
It’s up to the lender to accept the settlement. They’re the ones taking the loss. The sale is not the result of financial hardship, so the court cannot force the lender to accept an unreasonably insufficient buyout offer for the loan.
The White House posted an edited video, so what we all saw and heard must not be real. They also just pulled infrastructure repair funding from Ukraine, and took Russia off of the cybersecurity threat list under the radar.
Every member of Congress that stands behind this is complicit as well.