I typically sleep. Maybe some laundry (minus folding and putting away), but mostly sleeping.
Just a guy wandering aimlessly through this world.
Pronouns: he/him/his
I typically sleep. Maybe some laundry (minus folding and putting away), but mostly sleeping.
Try search for a video and finding a non-YouTube result. Yeah, Pinterest and YouTube suck, but so do our search engines.
Here is the URL that is provided in the docs.
Governments are like the people. They tend to react only when it’s them that gets hurt. Until then, it’s thoughts, prayers, and “stop buying coffee”.
Officials are now reviewing the Tesla sales data to determine if any irregularities occurred during the program’s final days.
8,600 Teslas 4 Locations in 3 days (one reported 1,200 sales in one day) $43 mil in rebates ($4 mil in one day)
Let’s be generous and say the cheapest Tesla is $40k before any rebates. That’s $344 mil in sales, with an average of 2,150 Teslas per day.
I’m pretty sure it’s obvious there are irregularities.
We need more Wozniak’s n this world.
So do we. And Hawaii too. 😊
Howdy from South-Eastern US, y’all.
That explains a lot for my feed. I’ve been getting more fights, and a lot more republican propaganda than I had ever in the past. I usually just close the app and wait 15 minutes before trying again, which usually “resets” my feed.
What a boring dystopian article. It’s sad, but necessary.
purchase and use a burner phone instead, and only turn it on when you’re at the site of the demonstration
This should be the de facto response. In addition, I’d suggest not using your personal phone for any protest related communications and stick with burners no matter how much you may trust the organizers.
Beginning with PDF 1.6, the size of the default user space unit may be set with the UserUnit entry of the page dictionary. Acrobat 7.0 supports a maximum UserUnit value of 75,000, which gives a maximum page dimension of 15,000,000 inches (14,400 * 75,000 * 1 ⁄ 72). The minimum UserUnit value is 1.0 (the default).
15 million inches happens to be exactly 381 km Source
It’s been my understanding that you do not contact Google. You read their docs and you like it. Have I been mistaken?
An API that developers could use to integrate search in their projects would be nice. And that would also allow developers to create an app ecosystem.
This sounds very interesting, and I can’t wait to see what comes of it.
It’s almost as if it’s better for humans to do human things (like programming). If your tool is incapable of achieving your and your company’s needs, it’s time to ditch the tool.
Found Daniel Handler’s account.
Not sure which side of the argument you’re taking. But, to answer your questions…
how much does it cost tesla to provide API access?
Not as much as they would want you to believe. Most APIs are written once, and only updated if a major change in the backend happens. The majority of any operating costs would go into cloud services, if the telemetry from the car is sent to Tesla first. I don’t own a Tesla, so I don’t know for sure. I would imagine it’s, because that would allow Tesla better metrics on app usage.
or we don’t discuss their costs structure and profit margin?
Whose? Tesla or the app developers? I’m not against a business making a profit. It’s kind of the point. They provide some sort of service, and as a customer we pay some sort of fee. The problem as I see it, some companies (like Twitter, Reddit, and Tesla for example) are not balancing the age-old “supply and demand” model of economics. Of course that’s my opinion.
we only do that for the guy doing the actual work
Huh? Please explain.
I don’t get it. Why do people end their otherwise non-funny statements with “lol”?
Yes, I didn’t account for the transaction fees. But I believe my point still stands. If people find enough value in it, they’d probably pay for it; and that’s why Tesla is charging what they are.
I do agree with you about it being batshit crazy. If it were me, I sure as hell wouldn’t want to pay $15/mo for that. But I try to be a cheapskate where I can.
I hate subscription services. And I hate money-grubbing corps. Especially when they try to profit off of your own data.
That said, this is not that as infeasible as it sounds. The dev for Tessie reportedly has 400k users. That’s roughly $12.50/month per user. Modestly speaking, if the dev charged their users $13/mo, he’d profit $2.4 million per year. For $15/mo, he would profit $12 million per year.
That’s probably what Tesla is hoping their devs would do. And I’m sure a lot of Tesla owners could afford the fee.
It helps, in the case of Linux, that it’s tightly gate-kept by Linus. Now when he steps down, I will worry for the project.