Depends. How badly do you want to play the game bioware wishes it could put out?
Depends. How badly do you want to play the game bioware wishes it could put out?
That game was far better then it had any right to be.
Still waiting on an imperial guard focused game though.
I hope so. Any one who signs up for trump’s military deserves to burst into flames
They will just blame the gays when their kids start wiggling
I think the movie was called The Duelist it had some of the best sword fighting in a movie. Both fighters where super cautious care with each move so that half the scene was them waiting and measuring followed by a quick exchange and then back to caution and circling.
In Iron Claw there is a scene where Kevin was training Mike how to do a head lock and kept yelling at him about his footing and telling him how he needed to switch his feet so that his left leg was forward and not his right. But your right is supposed to be in front Mke was doing it correctly.
Plus all the other historic inaccuracies and whitewashing hat no normal person cares about.
They can start AI generating games and no one will notice
It’s over. We lost.
Which has killed more people then even communism!
She is just looking at it as a professional. I do not see the problem.
Probably not. I got my own mental issues to. I almost begged for the job on my last interview. Did not go well.
Crying presets vulnerability that is looked down on.
This week I found out I am losing medicade, food stamps and unemployment because one of my previous jobs won’t provide the right paper work. That feels pretty wall punch worthy
Even for a corporation that is fucked up.
That’s the problem with cyberpunk as a genre. Its to cool. The first Deus Ex did it right. If it was in the hands of a better developer Watch Dogs could have too.
But what about live performers? Why would someone go to see a local band when they can see a hologram of the ‘beetles’ for much cheaper?
How dem boots taste?
I cannot wait until all actors and writers get replaced so every thing is just bland cookie cutting trite that is mid tier at best. Producers will make do much money and audience won’t have a choice but to watch it
So much money
Worth it. Absolutely, it’s got both great game play and story and more so then any other rpg of its type it feels like your character and the choices you make are actually pretty major. It let’s you be more evil then in almost any other game if you are into that.