Why would you give money to Nintendo?
Why would you give money to Nintendo?
There is a hat for the raspberry pi that does local voice recognition that you can use with Rhasspy or another setup.
But, I haven’t really messed with it since they started rolling out voice recognition within HA. My plans for a HAL9000 system are on pause until I finish my microchip pet feeding enclosures project.
Yeah, ODROID partnered with them to create an off the shelf product. It’s pretty pricy, though, but honestly you could run it on a pi 3b+ for pretty cheap.
Sounds like you should check out Homeassistant.
I hope it is for their sake. Some guy just got 10 years for a script he left that caused an outage.
Then lower the storage density. Making things as small as possible almost always ends up being more expensive.
You could make the chips bigger, which should be cheaper to produce.
They should be cheaper since theres a bunch more space to work with. You don’t have to make the storage chips as small.
Tape drives are still definitely a thing.
It depends on what the method of attack is. I’m not seeing anything saying that it would be possible to exploit wirelessly, so this could easily be mostly a non-issue.
Tasmota is another option if they have your specific device in their list. Otherwise you have to do some debugging to figure out what gpio or i2c address to use.
Yeah, that’s not the main concern.
The SC doesn’t have any power right now.
They did, though. The electoral college was created to stop this exact scenario from happening. But, the EC power was stripped away over the years, so it failed.
Some departments are getting water tanks to drop the vehicle in too.
He may not be a prostitute, but he is wearing the uniform.
Spending time in jail is meaningless. Jail is where you go when you are awaiting trial. Prison is where you go if you’re convicted.
What are you basing that statement on?
It’s not racism to acknowledge that accents can have a major negative impact on effective communication and design a product to address the issue.
You can do that without giving money to Nintendo.