Tbf all platforms have this. Steams not much better. Neither is the Xbox ecosystem. We truly are in the worst timeline.
Tbf all platforms have this. Steams not much better. Neither is the Xbox ecosystem. We truly are in the worst timeline.
Wow AC shadows pre sale levels must be really bad. Not too surprising tho. For a studio that basically said “there’s way more interesting time periods we want to focus on” the fact they finally went to feudal Japan felt more like they ran out of interesting ideas. Doesn’t help ghost of tsushima beat them by a few years and was basically the best AC game since black flag.
Legitimately what’s stopping them from accepting the ban and just releasing tiktok 2 with another name. Everyone will hear about the endorsed tiktok replacement and flock to their instead of the other weird Chinese app people are moving to in protest. Literally unless America bans China operating in the States their just going to whack a mole this until America stops singling it out.
Pretty much. Although I continue to be annoyed this ever even needed to be asked. There’s literally a browser setting to communicate this “do not track”. EU really should’ve just forced everyone to respect it :/.
Damn it. This is gold. Take my upvote.
I pirate basically everything, but streaming music isn’t a sham. You pay for the catalogue and the recommendation feed. Getting anything close to an actual streaming platforms variety and convenience through piracy is hard and frankly not worth the effort.
Apple quietly introduced code into iOS 18.1 which reboots the device if it has not been unlocked for a period of time, reverting it to a state which improves the security of iPhones overall and is making it harder for police to break into the devices, according to multiple iPhone security experts
Click bait title as always. So yes, your iPhone is mysteriously rebooting. I guess it just isn’t that big of a mystery anymore.
Explains why control panel and settings are both still a thing like a decade after they said they’d be removing the former.
You can take my .moe from my cold, dead, hands (๑˘・з・˘)
Given the size of lockfiles this would not surprise me but who the hell counts lock files code. Their barely configs :/.
I really hope this is one of those tactile hit it from the top and it’ll trigger from the bottom designs. But more likely they just never expect you to use it.
Find God and switch to templeos. /s
Jk. Everyone knows Hannah Montana Linux is the next big thing.
Because their an ad company and they don’t like any threats to their revenue stream. Same logic as video game companies using DRM. Selling a worse product at a bigger expense to tell shareholders their compelling pirates to pay (even tho most pirates will just not play the game rather than suddenly start purchasing it).
It’s a weird decision to further monetize access to a platform that’s hemorrhaging users and engagement.
If the choice is spend more to hold onto the byproducts or let the byproducts slowly make the entire earth uninhabitable I’m kinda in favour of the former. Ideally completely green energy would be preferred but I guess it just doesn’t scale well with consumer demands and patterns :/.
I think the common incest fantasy in the west isn’t too far removed from this too. Like all the actors are above age minimums but they pretend to be step kids or babysitters like these roles aren’t commonly associated with children and older teens. It’s clearly a form of deflection IMO.
What is the basis of consistently here. Take2 broke Linux support for bioshock infinite a couple years back and valve refused my refund request. IME they have not done so. If they are for GTAV that’s great. Maybe they only started doing this after the steamdeck came out but really they should have protections in the TOS to safeguard consumer purchases.
But in the end you get more feature for a higher price. In this case it’s the same app for different prices depending on time frame… not to mention the app has no purpose beyond finding a wallpaper so it only really has 1 feature.
I legitimately avoided rockstar for years because they force you to use their store even when you buy on steam. I still haven’t played rdr2, despite critical acclaim. I finally caved and got GTAV on sale cause I realised none of this shit works. Consumers using purchasing power to enforce standards is a losing battle. The storefronts or legislators need to enforce this shit. I think it should be valve. They have the market position and userbase to actually succeed or at the very least convince publishers to not break shit that was already working fine.
Lmao, musk is on record as making absurd offers and then trying everything he can to back out of them. I’m not sure why he offered this himself instead of getting a consortium of investors together to do so on his behalf without any involvement from him.