No, I don’t think that is where the cuts will be. But it should be.
No, I don’t think that is where the cuts will be. But it should be.
It would hurt badly at the beginning, but it would be better in the long run if Mozilla were to lose that Google search payment. Take some of the financial hit out of the c-suite comp package. Let those more interested in tech industry CEO money go work for the likes of Google, etc. Mozilla should be looking to attract someone whose singular motivation is not money.
I week long boycott will do nothing. If that is the most you are prepared to inconvenience yourself to send a message, then just give up now.
While this is nice, I would really like to see more fully independent options that are not just a proxy for Google/Bing. I realize that is a lot easier said than done, but this kind of solution is not providing a real alternative in anything but name only. Google/Microsoft fully control the APIs being used. so this only exists so long as those they are trying to provide an alternative for allow them to exist. Which will not scale if they are anything but a blip on the radar.
Oh I don’t disagree, it is worth it. I ended up paying for it myself before I switched to Joplin. I just went down a rabbit hole of realizing I technically could self host the backend and stubbornly tried to make it work well beyond what was good sense at the time. 😅
Sounds to me like Amazon is reducing the value proposition of their product. For me, additional roadblocks to being able to enjoy something they way I want when I have paid for it reduces the value of the product itself.
For example, if a DRM free book in an standards compatible format costs $20, then the DRM version I can still download for offline viewing is worth $10. The DRM version I can’t download is now worth more like $1-$5 depending on how badly I would want to read it while still supporting the author.
And yes, ebooks from the major sellers aren’t worth much to me and I rarely rent (because you’re not really buying) them.
It is a really good app. But was a pain in the ass to keep the archive in sync using multiple different platforms without paying for their sync addon in my experience. You can roll your own sync with stuff like Syncthing, cloud storage, etc. But the archive had a bad habit of seemingly finding ways to get out of sync.
Because X is owned by a pro-hitler probably Holocaust-denying shit heal.
How quickly most companies have walked back all of the “moral” stances they have taken over the last few years, all within just a few weeks of the political winds changing, should be a lesson to everyone that there is no such thing as an ethical publicly traded company.
They will do what they think will make the most money for the shareholders, no matter what. If you want them too “pay”, the only choice is to stop giving them money.
There is a better chance that user reporting for this will be disabled more so than it is that this would make a difference. You know that right?
If this latest drama with Apple Maps (and Google Maps) is what pushes someone over the edge to looking for more user respecting options then the people further gone than I would really be comfortable getting used to. Both companies regularly do much more than should do more to turn you off.
There might be things that are better these days in the technical sense. But there is always value in having something “good enough” that is freely available and compatible with nearly everything that has speakers to use to keep those technically better yet more expensive options in check.
Better than every year or so no one can play the games they supposedly “bought” due to some technical hiccup for a random yet lengthy amount of time than some percentage of people be able to more easily play our games without paying us. -some Sony/gaming industry stooge probably
In all seriousness, people need to stop being so willing to put up with this sort of easily foreseeable failing with the current way of doing digital goods. If I can’t use it without the blessing of someone else it is not buying, it is borrowing, and that severely impacts the value proposition for me personally.
Technical issues WILL happen. It is the nature of the beast, it is just terrible engineering to build what is essentially dead man switches into your customers products.
Not sure if this is still the case, but with Steam it used to be that if you didn’t put the client into “offline mode” ahead of time the client wouldn’t open, let alone allow you to launch a game once the connection was lost.
I hope they took care of that by now.
Them stop talking Mark.
Makes me glad I continue to use the free Google and MS Office options and keep my cloud storage with a service that is dedicated to just storage.
Cuts down on all of the forced price increases due to the AI mess the MBAs need to justify the expense of.
I couldn’t care less about 8k since I can’t even see streaming 4k content without using a platform infested with DRM.
I wish I could get found guilty and still be able to negotiate on equal footing with the prosecution about what my punishment was going to be.
I haven’t played it in awhile. But last time I did, it still seemed to be doing good on the custom maps I used to play. Like Helms Deep.
Sounds like another way of saying “there actually isn’t a profitable business in this.”
But since we live in crazy world, once he gets his exemption to copyright laws for AI, someone needs to come up with a good self hosted AI toolset that makes it legal for the average person to pirate stuff at scale as well.