They make over the ear bluetooth headphones too.
They make over the ear bluetooth headphones too.
What I hate is that the alternative that they’re switching to is RCS, which puts control of your texting in the hands of your carrier. iMessage is great because you don’t need a phone number, I can send texts to my moms iPad even though she doesn’t have an iPhone.
I moved on to Airpods shortly after they came out and honestly I have had 0 desire to use wired headphones with a phone. The Airpods pro sound great for earbuds.
If I want a real super high quality audio experience I’d use a dedicated DAC and AMP because the ones in phones have never been amazing. Plus if I’m out and about there’s probably too much background noise to even appreciate good headphones.
“Photoshopping” something bad existed for a long time at this point.AI generated images doesn’t really change anything other then the entire photo being fake instead of just a small section.
TPM is built into the CPU of all 8th gen and ryzen 2000 series CPUs. The module is only needed for older systems.
Just like all encryption, once the algorithm has been cracked then bypassing the encryption is simple.
It’s arm so have fun with drivers.
I’m waiting for the day all these shitty delivery services come crashing down. But sadly I think there’s enough idiots out there to keep them in buisness.
That said these practices aren’t unique. Almost any place where you buy X + a service will charge a markup on the initial item + their service fee.
Tesla: people really like that you can just order a car online and not have to deal with slimey sales tactics. What can we do to removed even that up too?