There are some translation extensions that are much better than the built-in one. Still not as good as Chrome tho
There are some translation extensions that are much better than the built-in one. Still not as good as Chrome tho
investigative journalism is drama now 👍
The use of a globe in the emblem is otherwise odd and random. C&C is still very popular in Syria. It’s mote likely to be based on it than being a coincident
I’m failing to get my point across, so I’m bowing out of discussion. However I understand your point, and partially aggree , but mostly disagreed with the phrasing.
Knights of al-Aqsa mostlikely glorifies Hamas, along with any other faction fighting against Israel.
Panzer Corps probably glorifies Nazis as well.
but it doesn’t matter, as neither of us have played any of these games, nor will we ever. My whole point was about your choice of words for the nazi example.
“knights of al-aqsa” doesn’t have an explicit context, it comes knowledge of current events.
“panzer corps” doesn’t have an explicit context, it comes knowledge of historic events.
Bliutzkrieg Poland: Heroes of the third reich” has a very explicit context. The third reich specifically refers to nazi Germany.
Your example make it seems as if you think defending Al-Aqsa Mosque is inherently an act of aggression, murder, colonial expansion, and ethnic cleansing.
I’ve played neither games, so I cannot comment about their contents. The second part of your comment is specifically about titles.
“Knights of al-Aqsa”, as a title, does not have the same meaning nor implications of a your example. that would something more like “Bulldozing Israel, Knights of the Caliphate”, eventhough comparing the thrid riech to a caliphate is a stretch.
People missing the point. Politicians care more about fictional Israeli and jewish lives than real life Muslims and Arabs.
This reminds of when I was 13 I used to tell my opponents in Warcraft 3 that pessing alt+q+q quickly reveals the map. It’s a shortcut for closing the game. Worked way to many times
I do see this working
He probably means the website translation function. Very useful for translating local websites, that aren’t available in english, if you don’t speak the language or not fluent enough