to balance out all this forgiveness, i will not be forgiving you for posting that Nightmare Harold pic.
to balance out all this forgiveness, i will not be forgiving you for posting that Nightmare Harold pic.
you mean a computing pool, like SETI@home since the late 90s?
absolutely no need to make this idea stink of a crypto scam.
the AeroGavin strap-on is coming up on the next elevator.
It’s not more precise, it becomes inaccurate.
A man says he’s 6’6". Sure. If he’s anywhere between 6’5½" and 6’6½", that’s true.
You say he’s 198.12cm tall. The range of this being true is now thinner than a needle. It has gone far beyond what anyone actually measures. In over 99% of cases, it’s not true, and if it is, it won’t be for long, because the human body isn’t nearly that consistent from breath to breath.
The conversion with spurious false precision has made the number go from true to not true.
The man is six foot six, yes, true. The man is 198.12cm - no he isn’t.
so many researchers toasting their bagels and yet never using your dedicated bagel button will wear you down.
When the original value is only precise to plus or minus half an inch, it makes no sense whatsoever to do a conversion that’s a hundred times more precise.
nobody is measuring people to a tenth of a millimeter.
“why does the string between these cups smell like det-cord?”
well, they won’t be, after they explode.
does it still stand? are Hamas using the same supply chain of altered pagers?
signs point to no.
real users just inspect the blinkenlights array.
I was trying to help you see how you misunderstood, but sure. Beep boop.
Mehta sounds like Meta, Fasbuk sounds like Facebook. it was a joke.
finally, time to shine with my strategic korean maxim reserve