Looks nice but I won’t buy anything Palmer Luckey is involved in.
Looks nice but I won’t buy anything Palmer Luckey is involved in.
There are 8.0658*10^67 orders you can shuffle a card deck in.
The math is easy. It’s just 52! if your calculator has that function which is really 525150…32*1. There are 52 possibilities for the first card 51 for the second since you’ve already used one card and so on.
How many decks of cards have been shuffled over human history, or will be is beyond me.
You don’t need to say Transparency mode is the best thing ever in ten comments.
Transparency mode is not nearly the same as open headphones. Its fine for a quick conversation but isn’t good at providing awareness of your surroundings. It has its place and is a great feature, but it’s not going to cut it for people looking for open headphones.
Not Foundation, but sounds a bit like it. Galactic empire collapses because no one knows how the technology that powers it works anymore.
I think the 360 failed for the same reason lots of early/mid 2000s PCs failed. They had issues with chips lifting due to the move away from leaded solder. Over time the formulas improved and we don’t see that as much anymore. At least that’s the way I recall it.
Some living things will make it through the extinction event and the next sentient species will removed it all up again in a billion years or so.
I know I’m pretty pissed off about it too.