IMO a device like this should be portable first, and that means a reasonable battery life, and generally a system trying to do more with less. Also $900-$1500 is a deal breaker for a lot of people.
IMO a device like this should be portable first, and that means a reasonable battery life, and generally a system trying to do more with less. Also $900-$1500 is a deal breaker for a lot of people.
It’s bullshit all the way down.
Lol uh I mean I don’t think the author* is giving the generally normal people just working their job enough credit. In my anecdotal experience, the growth mindset stuff is just an excuse to say certain things at meetings, or make certain decisions, nobody is extremely bought in or anything.
In fact, I knew some folks that left Microsoft because of the growth mindset changes for more “old school” places like Boeing.
Generally speaking I think all these companies have some kind of cultish exterior, I can say this about Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook for sure. If you’re ever let inside the walls though, it’s mostly regular people trying to live their lives.
Nice comic.
Used to have a copy of Wild Arms on the PSX, and there was a scratch so deep that stopped progressing past Cecilia’s intro, but man we tried.
I’m pretty fucking sure it doesn’t work like that outside of your black and white interpretation.
I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I’m saying a lot of people find themselves in that (bad) situation either outside their control, or they can be manipulated, coerced, pressured, or hell use your imagination.
To be clear, it’s definitely not always “oh so-and-so was so obsessed with climbing the ladder that they became the bosses bitch, Oooo.” Thats a kindergarden take and, IMO, helps empower people at the top hoarding all the wealth.
I’m gonna assume you don’t know any better. Not saying there aren’t bad or stupid middle managers, but usually the middle manager is the person who got shoved into a “management” position they probably didn’t want, and all they really get to do is take all the heat when decisions they didn’t make blow up in their face. It also usually comes with false promises of raises but upper management never really intends on giving it.
It’s like, top level squeezing the bottom out 101.
And Apple will finally sell the iPhone starting with 256GB
Yet another example of companies making irresponsible anti consumer choices. You should have to pay the piper if you want to start dancing to this tune. That or you should be forced to open source your proprietary works.
Oh shit, what would I do without… Scout Analysis?
*exclusives Thankfully Sony saw the writing on the wall and began porting a lot of first party to PC.
Platforms like the Deck are the future IMO
Androids best advantage used to be full control of the device… Those were the days. Then it started with saying they know better than you, then locking you out. Now I’m waiting on a new, better solution.
Honestly it’s not like native Linux is too far fetched, but there would have to be a big open source common ground device collaboration.
There’s a lot of people losing their jobs today that didn’t do anything wrong.